Icrontic TF2 League SEASON SIX: Return of the TF2uesday

Season 6 begins Tuesday, March 1 at 10pm ET (7pm PT).
It's pretty simple: We meet on rad.icrontic.com and play Team Fortress 2 in various states of sobriety for as long as we can keep people online (usually 3-4 hours depending on west coast attendance).
It will run 8 consecutive Tuesdays, thru April 19. There will be a postseason match April 26.
More announcements to come. Here's what we did last year.
Reminder: Contribute to keep the TF2 server online - it's about to run out.
Correction: it ran out.
No, it didn't.
Welp, that happened.
Icrontic TF2 Season 6 sponsored by the Norwegian Coast Guard.
I'll take a look at the server sometime before it starts.
Thank you so much @Jokke
Thanks so much to @_k as well
8 consecutive Tuesdays you say. What are the odds of that being extended indefinitely like has happened in years past?
Also @primesuspect my blackbox still hungers for your blood.
Edit: Also am I reading that server balance right? Is it over $500 short of the needed funding? Good lord!
@Farge you're reading it backwards. The server now has a balance of over $500 so we're good for over 18 months
15 weeks seemed a little long last year. I am open to a briefer season 6.5 after Expo if there is demand.
Strike that, reverse it. It's a positive credit balance, now.
Oh good. I thought that seemed a little high for a server hosting budget shortfall.
These next two weeks are going to feel extra long knowing this is coming.
Sometimes time zones are sad.
You don't want to get up at 4am @CB ? Why not?
Ooh 7pm my time, how perfect. :-D I am so ready.
@CB just wake up at 6am and start your day with some TF2. You don't have to be there the whole time.
After getting Martin off to daycare, I'm usually at my PC by 9 or 930am, so if you guys are still playing at 330am EST, I might be there.
Challenge accepted.
Server update.
Enjoy night one guys!
Updating. Thanks for the heads up.