That sounds way more likely. I wonder how guildox gets that number. Maybe they don't have data on the other guilds, so we "appear" first to their database.
EDIT: yeah that seems way more likely now. I went through a few of the guilds from wowprogress listed before us and had anything from over a month back to several days old. I guess they don't do any batch updating, only on request. Silly
How often does GuildOx refresh the guild kills/achievements?
Guilds with at least one raid achievement or boss kill are automatically refreshed around once every 24-72 hours. You can re-submit your guild at any time via the "Add Guild" function and your latest raid kills will be re-assessed within minutes.
yeah right.
JBoogalooThis too shall pass...Alexandria, VAIcrontian
No big deal, just scoping out Thrall seeing what he's up to. A sexy 117.4m health points is what he's up to. Totally waiting to be attacked.
It's ok, guys. I got this...
Angry Kleiessa, reasons we don't let her raid lead right there.
Though in case you are wondering the first one is what a glare looks like
Really? 'Cause I thought that was like the "I'm cutting your penis off for cheating on me" face.
You mean this face?
Usually she is super cute.
Wolford: "Bored"
I like how "The Glare. (tm)" has lens flare for extra epicness.
How many selfies do you think will get posted in here after 6.1?
I'm not sure but it's going to be completely delightful.
I suppose this might qualify (from ... did we actually get a realm first kill on heroic kargath?
EDIT: or does that mean someone in our guild happened to get a realm first kill?
That would be remarkable if true
According to Wowprogress, we were 54th:
That sounds way more likely. I wonder how guildox gets that number. Maybe they don't have data on the other guilds, so we "appear" first to their database.
EDIT: yeah that seems way more likely now. I went through a few of the guilds from wowprogress listed before us and had anything from over a month back to several days old. I guess they don't do any batch updating, only on request. Silly
yeah right.
No big deal, just scoping out Thrall seeing what he's up to. A sexy 117.4m health points is what he's up to. Totally waiting to be attacked.
It's ok, guys. I got this...
Celsh getting people into wow who don't want to play:
Hey everybody I'm playing WoW now as you can clearly see. I picked the penguin race, and I'm already a level 83 lumberjack.
He's helping me get a Sea Cow atm.
Sometimes you need to look angry:

@TiberiusLazarus watching @primesuspect taking a selfie of his crotch.
@Charity really felt good about returning to WoW.