New Years Resolutions 2015

So, new year, time to tell 2014 to piss off and welcome a new year. And as such come the customary resolutions that we all make but never get around to. Here's mine;
1.Attend more conventions
2.Be more tolerant of idiots
3.MOVE OUT!!!!!!!!!! (Yes the emphasis is needed)
4.A better job, in doors, where I don't have to awkwardly stammer in a language I barely know.
I hate being cliche but I really, really need to get fit. My body is a soft puddle of goo.
I got a list similar to @Creeperbane2's
im not usually a new years resolution person, but i was thinking i need to start running, that.
I resolve to get all new calendars.
Not really resolutions:
1. Keep Running (once my foot is healed) I have my eye on a a couple more half marathons at least this year.
2. Finish the side table project that I haven't started yet.
3. Finish reupholstering the dining room set.
Mine is still 1680x1050.
1) Also the cliché get in better shape... I want to not get out of breath when Joe and I hike next Summer. I need to really kick my ass into gear and get rid of my beer gut.
2) work goals
3) Save money, but also do and see epic things (buy less things. travel more. See beautiful places)
4) read more. And create more.
5) be more organized
6) Be kind to everyone.
to all those who have stated they want to get in better shape, might i make a couple of suggestion(which i plan on following myself.) these all pertain to running, but they really make it more enjoyable.
these are the simple things that will make your attempt at running far more successful (at least they have for me). for more technique advice, runners world is a great source.
Fix my knee and get back to squatting.
Looks like I am not the only one that needs to fix my knee. I have put off replacement surgery for too long.
One belt test, minimum.
Pet more pugs.
I'm not really good at goal setting, and resolutions haven't really meant much to me over time. If anything, I just want to get my car paid off this year, keep on runnin', and maybe for once, break my employment record of holding the same job for 1.5 years for the first time since working at WNDU. I'm on track for all three!
Gain weight, get more grey hair, see my kids less, maybe get in trouble at work, spend more money than I have, and generally fuck everything up.
@primesuspect I think maybe you should just shoot for 3 or 4 of those given your current raiding schedule.
Get my cone honed more often. Mebs, mebs!
Before exams hit I was working out regularly alongside my father @Alberio (We're gym buddies, helps when you're answerable to someone else) other than restarting that I suppose eating better because it doesn't matter if I exercise if I continue to eat garbage, thankfully the kitchen is functional again and I can start the day with two eggs instead of buying breakfast at Timmy's.
Other than that:
-Start reading more, use computer less.
-Get back into my Warhammer hobby, it's fun and it feels nice to create something physical
-Fix sleep schedule, I'd enjoy getting more than 4 hours of sleep a day
2017 NY Resolution-- Spread germs to my closest friends and co-workers >:D
Go to more races (Will make thread about that later).
Spend more time with friends.
Learn to shoot.