10 Years Of TF2

This Tuesday 10/10 marks 10 years of TF2.
I can’t believe this game has lasted this long.
Granted, its been a few years since I played consistently. But its more playtime and enjoyment I’ve gotten out of most games especially FPS.
It marks one of Valves high points and also their transition from a developer to a distributor.
The game has had its ups and downs, but overall, its been a great experience. It’s how I first met Icrontic. I miss the game and community at its high point. Nothing else has really been able to fill that void.
Anyway I digress. My point is I miss TF2 and I miss the league nights. I’ll be on the server 10/10 to celebrate. Hopefully I won't be alone.
omg 10 year anniversary TF2 night. I'll update the server. Icrontic TF2 IS HAPPENING.
IN for 10 yr anni random league night
Guess I better buy a growler. Let's do this.
Some of my favorites:

Ahhhhhhhh TF2sday!!!! You Know What It Is!
Unfortunately I'm out. Still don't have a new computer and with having to save for a new vehicle, maybe getting a PS4 Pro in the future, etc., it may be a while.
Fuck it you know I'll be there
@primesuspect what time you thinking?
Been looking for a reason to finish off my rum. In! Well after 10pm anyway.
@DontCallMeKelso @primesuspect
I put 6pm Pacific on the Steam event. Figured not too late for East and not to early for West.
I might actually join in too!
I guess I do have a little bit more catcher's rye...
I am going with a handle of Skol Vodka AND performance enhancers. This might get weird.
I'm in!!
Ya'll better stay on more than an hour.
Well @UPSLynx Will come on say a couple things and go afk for at least 2 hours.
I've dusted off my LAN PC, updated TF2, made sure the server is running OK, remembered all the necessary rcon commands, and downed 2 beers.
Me and @cola are playing already. Get on our level.
It's a shame that @Canti couldn't join us tonight because he went full WalMart and sold his dog.
Aaaaaaand now @primesuspect has asked Digikid if she knows what a queef is. On mic.
edit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it got @BobbyDigi in trouble!
Full blame accepted for adult content on mic. I has no filter. My bad yo.
"Can you imagine how it would feel to queef and fart at the same time?" - @Massalinie
"I looked it up, I know what a queef is!" @drasnor
Legendary night.