Switch Party at Expo

in Events
I'm thinking about getting a Nintendo Switch this weekend, is anyone else bringing one? Any games we can play together during Expo? I know there's Overcooked going on, not sure on what platform.
There's also an E3 sale going on right now
I'm bringing one
Brian and I both have one, as does Perry.
Overcooked is a switch event
Sorry for the threadjack, but how about a Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes event?
MFW long time forum member asks about adding an event 5 days before expo...
lol right
But he never comes to EXPO. He can be forgiven for not knowing any better ayyyyyy
I've just recently got one, but only have Mario & Zelda so far. Stomping goombas, catching ponies.
Yeah, I'm not even sure there's much else to get at the moment. Thinking about that pokemon game, maybe smash when they are out.
I'm wondering if theres any purpose to having switches together?
Some multiplayer games require each person to have their own Switch. Splatoon 2 comes to mind.
Have to actually be there for that to happen
Say that to my face tomorrow, sucko!