What food & drink puts you in a good mood for the holidays?

What are your favorite holiday food and beverages?
I recently discovered hot eggnog + buttershots (butterscotch schnapps) as my new go-to cup of holiday cheer. Without alcohol, I think hot eggnog with a healthy dash of cinnamon would be my jam.
There's an old Lancaster County bakery called Achenbach's that has some of the world's best pastries, no joke. Their long johns used to be a fairly regular treat, but since I don't get to my parents' house as much any more it's become more of a holiday tradition to get a huge order to tide us thru the week (especially Christmas Day - it's the "before presents" snack of choice).
Butterstollen with raisins and marzipan. Pfeffernusse. Since I was a kid these two treats have been a part of the XMas eve/day snacking tradition. They are a comfort food to me, fersur. When I was a kid, it was just whatever brand the import store dragged in, but now that I'm living in Germany, I get to shop around, and try different brands, and get picky about which ones I like.
Growing up we really didn't have a holiday dish. I guess the closest we came was potato latkes. When I got married, my wife made lots of traditional Polish food for holiday time. Bigos and red borscht with uszka (little dumplings similar to pierogi) are my two favorite this time of year.
As soon as Anchor Christmas Ale comes out, its holiday time. I've drank a couple magnums of it this year at parties, also bought a case of it for a holiday party at work, got to bring home the leftovers.
In Lancaster, Mad Elf is on tap everywhere this time of year. Danger, holiday drinker, danger! Aaron ordered a second one of these at the end of the night last night and I actually intercepted & changed his order to Yuengling. He didn't care... until this morning when he was very appreciative.
Homemade chex party mix. Mom follows the original recipe from, I don't know.. the 80's? every year. 1st batch the week before Thanksgiving and usually makes another batch about a week before Christmas.
Marzipan, preferably soaked in some sort of booze and covered in dark chocolate, and gløgg, 50/50 vodka of course.
My mom also makes that recipe every year - one of the things I miss about being away for the holidays - it's so much better than the pre-made bagged stuff at the grocery. BUT that's probably because the main ingredient is like a pound of butter.
My mom almost never remembers that I like my batch without nuts, though. 