Hi remember TF2 let's play

@cola and I have decided to bring back Wednesday TF2. No matter how many squad-based games come out, they've never quite grabbed on to the Icrontic community like TF2 did. There is just something purely magical about TF2 and it's still going strong. So let's play.
WEDNESDAY, 9PM EST (6pm PST), let's assemble on Discord: http://discord.gg/m5qJP2g. Since we no longer have our own dedicated server we'll have to likely bomb some poor unsuspecting soul's server as a group.
Here, meet the team if you've forgotten:
Get hype.
My TF2 server that's been up and free forever:
Hopefully someone sets it up all nice.
Are the spawn times default?
I Want To Play!
....wasn't it Tuesday?
It's been both.
This is discrimination against European timezones.
TF2sday has a better ring to it, but I'm down any day. :-D
I have done nothing but teleport bread for the last 3 days...
Will never play TF2 with IC again
When is it?
9:00 EST, my bad yo
You shush
It's 02:00 GMT, or 03:00 CET.
Server needs updating
omg that was so fun
I de-dicked my mouth, thanks @Massalinie
@Jokke and his invisible gun I guess.
Had a blast tonight. Felt good. Source voice chat is still dogpoop.
Aw, my gun really is gone.
A+ would die a lot with you turds again.
I want to play more Scout with y'all real soon
Again! Again!
The ceviche aftermath of his de-dicking.
It's been years since I played TF2 and last time I did the game ran like shit. I may need to see about upgrading my 4gb of ram and 10 year old video card.
I thought we were still playing, they just renamed it "Overwatch"
Overwatch just wishes it could be TF2.
Just doesn't sound as good as TF2sday