Rolling Stone updated 500 greatest album list - more diverse, modern.

I think it's fascinating, and maybe in some small way a glimmer of hope that some people are listening and understanding the current outcry for equality. On the old list only three female artists cracked the top fifty, now it's seven. On the old list there were eleven black artists in the top 50, and mostly ones that had gained mainstream success with a white audience. The new list has 25 in the top 50, and a few acts that are not as pop crossover successful with white kids.
I'm going to sit down and metrics the two lists to see the changes. I think for some it will be easy to dismiss as unimportant, just a corporate magazines view, but I think it's important recognition to be included on that list. It's a way of saying that art left a fairly significant mark on popular culture, and to see more musical genres represented outside the classic rock sphere, to sort of allow a newer generation to come in and say, hey, the Beatles and Stones are great and all, but there is a lot more going on now... I think it represents progress and this is coming from a middle aged classic rock kinda guy (but a huge music fan first)
That is a much more comprehensive list than years past indeed.
Some quibbles with the rankings:
Overall it is definitely a much more comprehensive list incorporating many more genres than other similar lists that Rolling Stone, or anyone else for that matter, has put out to date.
"Wish You Were Here" is the best Floyd album in my opinion as well. Its the last album that feels like a collaborative statement between Gilmour and Waters before Waters takes over with Animals through the Final Cut. That said, I don't have an issue with it's placement because of the cultural phenomenon that Dark Side is in comparison.
My favorite Beatles record has always been "The Magical Mystery Tour" but I'm weird like that.
"What's Going On" has always been high on the list, but I do believe that either a black Soul or Blues artist deserves that #1 spot. It's the foundation for so much popular music and to me, anytime you put a Beatles, Stones or Elvis album in front of it, it's like come on guys.....
Surprised how well represented more modern rap/hip-hop is on that list. Basically every Kanye album, rightfully so though I'd have ordered them a bit differently. Surprised Good Kid Mad City wasn't on there but Kendrick had a few spots. 36 Chambers should be top 10.
All the classic rock stuff you'd expect, but as always Metallica/Sabbath are the only metal band that exist apparently. I'd put Blackwater Park from Opeth, The Satanist from Behemoth, and maybe The Jester Race from In Flames somewhere on there.
WYWH > Animals > DSotM
So glad to see Lemonade in the top 50. Still deeply upset it didn't win at the Grammy's for best album that year.