Icrontic's Civil War

Icrontic's St. Patrick's Party in Warren, MI has been countered by our southern contingent challenging us to a duel from Orlando, Florida. March 13-16th is going to be a bloody weekend.
It's on like Donkey Kong.
Ed. Note: We're mario.
It's on like Donkey Kong.
Ed. Note: We're mario.
Northeners Vs. Southerners
Place: North: ICrontic HQ in Warren, Michigan
South: Gigabits LAN Center in Orlando, Florida
When: March 13th - March 16th (Exact date for combat or enlistment deadline not yet set)
The war shall be waged over the internet in the form of Team Fortress 2, but other skirmishes are welcome.
/Rebel Yell
Current Rebel recruits:
Current Yankee recruits:
CB Droege
If you plan on coming, PM either me or DogDragon
Maybe this can be a yearly thing.
Icrontic's Civil War sound like T-shirts could be coming out.
and maybe different versions for the north and the SOUTH?
I am a northerner
It's much closer
It's cold
Prime is stalking me, meeting him might inflame his obsession
-It's warmer
The south kind of sucks
It's like a two day drive for me
I think I'm gonna have to go south.
Looks like I'm not the only one!
Really now? Well IC Headquarters has Keebler & FatCat to take
care of it
Prime you should see firsthand what the trouble makers in
the SOUTH are doing in the name of Icrontic.:nudge:
It's your job you're our Icrontic leader (PapaPrime):D
Besides when did you go on your last vacation?
Besides it's warm
Two days
Well, I guess it's better that way. We know FatCat have a thing
about fire, and we don't want the IC Headquarters
to become another Atlanta.
Keebler wouldn't be able to stop him, FatCat would
snap him like a twig.
What is it with you Yankees and fire anyways?
answer his call to arms.
there! the line has be drawn! 25 north states vs 25 south states.
okay okay, if we get canada, the south can have puerto rico :bigggrin:
I heard you be the best so being me being a good REBEL
How about a case of Beer to be a hmm a ref for the game?
I see not good enough
Fine as the Chief of the Beer Police I'm ordering
You and stainmenow has to be on duty for this event.
You two can drink But can't play.
That should even things out (LMAO)
You should have took the Beer (LMAO)
I'll have you boiled in palm oil for that
Straighten up your a Rebel man
Be proud of your colors
SO...I will drink my beer and play...
Had to tried
Plus Crazy Joe and a maybe he can't say for a fact yet.
So the Rebels are answering theirs call to arms.:woowoo:
k thx bye.