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Re: Opinions on new micro desktop....pls
That is an interesting option! I don't think I've ever personally seen a PC in that format. Another very small form factor PC that might fit the bill is an Intel NUC (here is a link for the "creators" builds and here for the full list of pre-built options). You could have it on the desktop or mount it to the back of a monitor.
Three years of in-home warranty is hard to beat!

Re: Wonder Woman 84
I agree with all of that. It was 'fun' to watch. It was very poppy and had a good pace and some interesting visuals, but it was not a good story.
GQ's second point: That Diana would pine after Steve for literally 70 years was the most unbelievable part to me. I could see her being happy to find him after so long, but I don't buy her just like.... not living her life at all, and still thinking about him every single day. She loved the guy, sure, but it was a whirlwind thing. She knew him for all of a few days a lifetime ago. It's a huge character flaw that she would not be over him.
Like: I fell in love with someone on a trip to London in 2004. We had a great time, and for two weeks felt like we were on top of the world spending every moment together, and had something that would last forever. I thought I had met a soulmate. Guys... I still love her, and think of her fondly, but I don't think of her every day, and right now, as I type this, I can't even remember her name.
I mean, I guess I can accept that Diana's love for Steve was deeper than that, but... based on what? Their relationship was forged in chaos and adrenaline. That's not a good foundation for love. Why do you think 007 can never keep a girlfriend?
And no matter how deep it was ... 70 years?! that's like... a symptom of some kind of mental disorder.

Re: Wonder Woman 84
I liked the film, but I definitely understand the negativity.
The scale is all off compared to the first film. We go from defeating a god during WWI to..hanging out in the 80s? Did none of the other wars matter?
*The big bad is EXTREMELY hand-wavey. Everything goes wrong and Steve is back because of...a magic rock. Which apparently works however the story wants it to. It was not a convincing or interesting plot device. Something something monkey's paw and old gods.Apparently Diana has just been...sitting around being sad about Steve for like 70 years? That's the majority of what she's about these days? She's not sad about her missing family? And her emotional journey in the movie be open to heterosexual romance again? It's so reductionist from her character growth in the first movie
- Way too much CGI in the action scenes-- the fight with cheetah was so rag-dolly and fake looking.
- The first movie was SO good, this one felt like a big let down. What I would have loved to see instead was Diana searching for and then finding Themyscira, and then introducing her mom and friends to the 80s. THAT would have been hilarious and great, and it would have also been nice to have a movie with more than 3.5 characters.
Re: Wonder Woman 84
Negative reviews seem to bring up the lack of action... I agree that WW84 was a bit more story/ character development and less action. But I don't think it was unreasonably so... I am not a movie snob when dealing with an action/ hero movies. The part of my brain that analyzes and looks for deep meaning... it can take a break. I watched it on HBO Max, which I already had, so it was like it was free. I watch thin on my new 4K TV and the cinematics and audio were GREAT.

Re: The Mandalorian
@BuddyJ said:
Welp yesterday's announcements seem to show that Disney+ is doubling-down on Star Wars and they're using this series to pilot future shows. I'm game for it.Today's episode was sooooo gooood.
Doubling down? More like quadrupling or quintupling down. Milking that Cash core as long as they can. And I'm in for all of it.

Re: The Mandalorian
@BuddyJ said:
I'm concerned about the direction they took in the most recent episode. There are now so many plot threads in play, I'm intrigued to see what gets wrapped up in the next two episodes to finish out this season and what will be left hanging for future seasons. Some of these recent developments are big things that I think would be hard to handle as a show runner; do you wrap it up in two episodes, or leave it hanging and drag it out well into next season. Either choice seems like it'd be very divisive among the audience at this point.
I think they are confident enough in their direction that they are going to spin off into a larger television universe. I'm thrilled that they may be able to tie up some glaring loose ends from the Disney trilogy which let's face it... was produced by people who had no cohesive plan... well now they have an out, they can play it cool and be like, Yo, we knew exactly what we were doing all along.
This episode though, forget the narrative direction for a moment, it was just cool, at least cool in the nine year old boy sense of the word. You see that episode and you immediately run and play with your action figures. It gave me that feeling. I wish I had some toys to start going pew pew pew on the floor immediately after viewing. It fired off my Star Wars endorphins. Honestly, after episode nine I thought, maybe I just have outgrown this thing? Maybe I loved Star Wars and I just don't anymore.... Like you doubt yourself and your own tastes. Maybe it's me? This episode totally erased that doubt for me. Star Wars is still a thrill in the hands of the right storyteller.