Hey man I've practically BEGGED you to come with us Make more time for IC in Legion!
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
For LFR, I'm missing one wing of HFC. Just never bothered to do it. Never needed to.
For Normal I'm only missing Tyrant Velhari. I remember while we were progressing on her you guys defeated her the next raid night I couldn't make. Never went back to her cause didn't really need to, and wanted to focus on Mannoroth and Archimonde.
For Heroic I'm missing Iskar through Xhul'horac. I remember trying Iskar with you all and I messed up bigtime once, and immediately left cause I was kicking myself too hard from it.
Though school was busy at the time and I used it as an excuse validly most of the time, personal performance anxiety and pressure was the biggest reason I feel for my lack of Heroic raiding participation.
RahnalH102the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature EnthusiastNew MexicoIcrontian
Also how long does it take the armory to refresh, I want to get my hunter on here but the current armory pic looks bad.
The armory shots used to be more dynamic and exciting. Now we're all just standing there like mugshots lol
Only 718 AND the raid status thing below reminds me that I haven't actually completed HFC on any difficulty. :shame:

Hey man I've practically BEGGED you to come with us
Make more time for IC in Legion! 
For LFR, I'm missing one wing of HFC. Just never bothered to do it. Never needed to.
For Normal I'm only missing Tyrant Velhari. I remember while we were progressing on her you guys defeated her the next raid night I couldn't make. Never went back to her cause didn't really need to, and wanted to focus on Mannoroth and Archimonde.
For Heroic I'm missing Iskar through Xhul'horac. I remember trying Iskar with you all and I messed up bigtime once, and immediately left cause I was kicking myself too hard from it.
Though school was busy at the time and I used it as an excuse validly most of the time, personal performance anxiety and pressure was the biggest reason I feel for my lack of Heroic raiding participation.
Also how long does it take the armory to refresh, I want to get my hunter on here but the current armory pic looks bad.
Before I stop looking the same as in WoD (also screw your standardized image formats):
Managed to squeak in the ring a couple weeks ago, and broke 700 with the invasions.
Battle.net refuses to show my weapon & shield for some reason. I'm not sure this is my exact set, but let's go with it.