Desert Bus for Hope TEN. SMOOK BUS ERRY DAY
Welp, here we go again.
You know the drill by now, so say it with me. DESERT BUS IS BACK, BAYBEEEEE. Kicking off Saturday, November 12 at 10AM PDT, the bus gets rolling for it's tenth tenure in the endless expansion of sand and arid skies. Donate. Challenge. Beg. Talk trash about Dix. Complain about Liz. Do it all in the coming week while we watch Loading Ready Run torture themselves in a 24/7 livestream while playing the worst game ever made.
Join us in mumble, grab a beverage or six, and have some laughs (and maybe even a chat ban!). Dis gun b gud.
Still don't know how to Desert Bus cuz you a scrub? Graham got u fam.
You can donate now, or you can wait until they're live to challenge them to do stupid things. Or, if you can really wait on your dosh, you might be able to win a super sweet live auction. . Pick a challenge, pick a waifu, pick a reason to get banned. It's time to bus.
Watch on, or if you're truly pro, watch on @UPSKingpin custom dashboard:
So grab your wallet and prepare your butt. Desert Bus is goin' in raw.
Previous threads:
Desert Bus 3
Desert Bus 4
Desert Bus 5
Desert Bus 6
Desert Bus 8
Desert Bus 9
I'm not dlunk. You're dlunk.
And we're off. @cola, using his navy money powers for good, gets Pika to do a cartwheel for a donation.
I know this is from last year, and I didn't post it in last year's thread.... but this is the stuff we can make happen
Dix just posted Africa... fucking hypocrite
Within 3 seconds of turning on the stream for the first time this year I was told that @UPSLynx is smalltime. This week gon b gud.
9:30PM EST. Cola's asleep. No big surprise.
For @cola so it gets embedded here same as his link
Desert Bus Night 1 ends with bright best time-zone, canti broken mic, cola best challenge, kelso two thumbs, jackie cat not on a couch, and bobby empty growler among others.
I woke up to find out that Jer had crashed the bus NINE TIMES on his shift. WTF Happened???
Desert Bus Ten: The year of @cola
I won. They shouted my name victoriously into the microphone for all of chat, and most importantly Dix, to hear. Eatadickc1own has won.
Fucking incredible.
I can't get over it. Getting Liz to call me Small Time on the stream, having Pika get lewd, and making Matt say "Eat a Dick Clown", killing Graham with laughter and causing the entire room to debate exactly how a dick clown works, Desert Bus 10 truly is the year of @cola.
Africa happened. Somewhere, Dix has a heart attack and dies.
Also the video from Africa
The dude on the far right reminds me of backseat dancing girl in "Friday"

TFW you win something on Desert Bus but you don't have a cat for it
Who is the @cola imposter dropping mad cash on this auction?
Kathleen earning herself the biggest shame ticket of all time.
Dix did pushups, only got through 40 before he was tired.
Dix drove the bus for like 3 minutes while Graham was away. Shithead crashed.
The user name of this guy donating. The hero we deserve. I bet he AFRICA'd.
Best driver intro of all time.
For reference if you ain't into rassle: