What is Icrontic playing? March 2017



  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian

    @CB said:

    Okay wait.... Is this a video game based on a card game based on a video game based on an anime?

    Who knows? It was all well past my time. I've only gotten into it since my kid has discovered it.

  • DontCallMeKelsoDontCallMeKelso Kelso 'The Great Asshole' San Jose, CA Icrontian

    I've been playing a lot of drink and ship the beer. And tomorrow I'm gonna play beer mule.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    @BobbyDigi said:
    Still hittin' them Pokemans erry day.

    Pokémon Go - recently hit level 33. Only need a Lapras for my NA Gen 1 Pokedex.

    ...And with the Water Festival event starting yesterday 3/22 and a couple hours of hunting last night. I have completed my Gen 1 NA Pokédex. I caught a Lapras a couple miles from my house in the middle of the desert, exactly 6 months from my start date.

    Stoked! Onward to Gen2!


  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian

    Pokemon Go is my mobile fix right now, I'm playing Overwatch while I still have internet and I'll be moving to the new Darksouls 3 expansion/character and finishing out the story for Starcraft 2 LotV when I go underwater again.

  • MassalinieMassalinie _k's Waifu Texas Icrontian

    I just finally picked up the Witcher 3 and played that all weekend. Bit of Overwatch. And I've been addicted to FTP Pokemon Picross (lol) on the 3DS for a year now, have to do a challenge every day, getting close to the end now. Haven't progressed very far in Pokemon Sun.

  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    I finally got started playing Zelda BOTW ... I'm not sure what other games I'll be playing for the immediate future.

  • IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy Canadian Toronto, Ontario Icrontian

    Just finished Witcher 3 and all DLCs after about 130 hours of playtime. Absolutely loved every minute of it though I admit a good 5 hours or so was probably devoted wholly to playing GWENT (Which I shall continue playing now that I have access to the GWENT beta)

    Plan to start Nier Automata tonight, from what I've heard it'll be fun as all hell.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    Wait Are we going to do a what are we playing in April thread?

  • CantiCanti =/= smalltime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9K18CGEeiI&feature=related Icrontian

    @Karma said:
    Wait Are we going to do a what are we playing in April thread?

    PC port released on Steam recently and considering it originally came out in 2009 it's a relatively old game but oh man. I'd heard it's good but nothing that really got my attention like, "Holy shit, get this game right now!" Well I'm here to tell you, Holy shit, get this game RIGHT NOW. I just finished my first play-through and aside from a few unclear QTE segments during boss fights this game is a blast. The default combat abilities are intrinsically fun on their own and there are a lot more to discover and unlock as the game goes on. It's fast, it's funny, it's only $20.

  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian

    I just finished a play-through of Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries. I've also been logging some time on Pokemon Moon and Kerbal as well as trying to get into the new Mass Effect.

  • WinfreyWinfrey waddafuh Missouri Icrontian

    @drasnor said:
    I just finished a play-through of Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries. I've also been logging some time on Pokemon Moon and Kerbal as well as trying to get into the new Mass Effect.

    "Look at the bright side kid, you get to keep all the money"

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