What is Icrontic playing? March 2017



  • @TiberiusLazarus got me playing the Enderal mod for Skyrim, which is really damn good.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    @BobbyDigi said:

    I love that it shows me your scores. #rekt


    SHUT. UP.

  • TiberiusLazarusTiberiusLazarus Icrontian
    edited March 2017

    @PirateNinja said:
    @TiberiusLazarus got me playing the Enderal mod for Skyrim, which is really damn good.

    Good. Goooood.

    For reference: https://sureai.net/games/enderal/ . It is real good. Good enough I gave them money.

  • aspieRommelaspieRommel Icrontic politico Indianapolis, IN Icrontian

    @Karma said:
    Nier: Automata

    I want that goddamn game! I've been watching a few parts of some play through a and have been falling in love with the graphics, story, and such. The only problem is that I don't have a PS4 to play it.......yet.

    (I plan on getting a PS4 anyway to at least play MLB The Show.)

  • @TiberiusLazarus said:

    Good. Goooood.

    For reference: https://sureai.net/games/enderal/ . It is real good. Good enough I gave them money.

    It's so good, I've hardly scratched the surface and I know I'll be sending them money too. I like this way better than Skyrim. The amount of effort put in to this mod/brand new game is extremely noticeable.

  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian

    @PirateNinja said:

    It's so good, I've hardly scratched the surface and I know I'll be sending them money too. I like this way better than Skyrim. The amount of effort put in to this mod/brand new game is extremely noticeable.

    Will this work with the Skyrim: Special Edition that recently came out?

  • @CB said:
    Will this work with the Skyrim: Special Edition that recently came out?


  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian

    @CB said:
    Currently making my way through all the games I got from the Freedom Bundle. There was a lot, but so far 80% of it is garbage.

    I bought that almost entirely for Octodad to give to my kid.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    @BobbyDigi said:

    I love that it shows me your scores. #rekt


    I have one goal in that game. To beat your score.

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    @Karma said:

    I have one goal in that game. To beat your score.

    Cash me outsye how bout dat?


  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian

    @PirateNinja said:

    It's so good, I've hardly scratched the surface and I know I'll be sending them money too. I like this way better than Skyrim. The amount of effort put in to this mod/brand new game is extremely noticeable.

    based on your back and forth, I too have just downloaded this.

    I am pleased already that the programmers took the time to make the launcher do what a launcher is supposed to do - improve QoL by handling mundane, non-game-related tasks. Detects where it's being run, tells you it can't run there, and then automatically reruns itself in the correct directory. Shit like that.

  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian

    I've been playing Killing Floor 2 and Battlefield 1. Not a lot of gaming lately, participating in the CrossFit Games for the first time has me pretty beat.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    Oh, and I've been ravenously playing the hell out of Bloons TD5 on Android

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    I've been playing JimC.

  • pigflipperpigflipper The Forgotten Coast Icrontian

    @primesuspect said:
    Oh, and I've been ravenously playing the hell out of Bloons TD5 on Android

    WAIT! WUT? There is a new Bloons game?!

    vanishes for a month

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    Naa, Bloons TD5 has been out for years.


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian


    There is no sadder sight at ICHQ than Lincoln sorting through his Magic cards alone for the 35th time

  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian

    @Linc said:
    I've been playing Spreadsheets: Magic Cards. I've heard you use the cards in a multiplayer game mode too but no one ever seems to want to try that.

    Yeah... what is up with that? I can never find anyone to play either. Might have to do with the fact that I suck at it and am absolutely no challenge to anyone ever.

    Right now, I'm playing Life Scheduler Deluxe: Second Dog Expansion. Because we adopted a second dog (this time, one that's social and "normal") and incorporating her into our home with our mentally ill dog is hard and is involving a lot of scheduling and careful dog management.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    SO I finished my first play through of NieR:Automata, holy shit this game is amazing. I was literally left jaw agape a couple times during. I highly recommend. The music is some of the best I've heard in a game, and the art style is top notch.

    One caveat it is Hack-n-Slash which isn't everyone's favorite combat me included.

    Starting play through two tonight.

    I want to include pictures but don't want to ruin the game at all for people who are going to play, the discovery of everything for the first time is 3/4ths the fun!

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    I'm into it. The more I hear about NieR:Automata the more I get hyped. I want Breath of the Wild, Horizon Zero Dawn, and NieR:Automata like, right now.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian
    edited March 2017

    @primesuspect said:
    I'm into it. The more I hear about NieR:Automata the more I get hyped. I want Breath of the Wild, Horizon Zero Dawn, and NieR:Automata like, right now.

    Do you have a switch (or wiiu i guess) or PS4?

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    Nope and no.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    Then I guess you can really on get NieR! at least it narrows your choices

  • IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy Canadian Toronto, Ontario Icrontian

    Basically every Platinum game is a goddamn gem, I have Nier Automata but I'm trying to finish Witcher 3 before I get into it.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    @Ilriyas said:
    Basically every Platinum game is a goddamn gem, I have Nier Automata but I'm trying to finish Witcher 3 before I get into it.

    por que no dos?

    Also I dunno they got a lot of non original IPs Korra, TMNT, Transformers I could do without.

  • IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy Canadian Toronto, Ontario Icrontian

    @Karma said:
    Also I dunno they got a lot of non original IPs Korra, TMNT, Transformers I could do without.

    I pretty much ignore any of their stuff that isn't an original IP myself. Love their own work.

  • RahnalH102RahnalH102 the Green Devout, Veteran Monster Hunter, Creature Enthusiast New Mexico Icrontian

    The Transformers one is supposed to be pretty good if a bit redundant/short.

  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian

    Shameposting that I've been playing a LOT of Pokemon: The Card Game Online. I've been working through the trainer challenges and I'm about 10% of the way through the City Championship with my current crop of 4 pre-fabbed decks. After I finish that (and open all of the booster packs that come with it), I'm going to try my hand at building a deck and going up against actual people.

    I say I do this because my oldest is into the collecting and has started actually playing the game.

    But that's only partially true.

  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian

    @AlexDeGruven said:
    Pokemon: The Card Game Online.

    Okay wait.... Is this a video game based on a card game based on a video game based on an anime?

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