Dancing with NED
Back in September, I posted about Ovarian Cancer and told you about my wife, Cathy, and her journey with this disease. Two major surgeries and 17 chemotherapy sessions (lasting up to 6 hours each) later her oncologist ordered a Positron Emission Tomagraphy (PET) scan which was completed two days ago. The results of this scan showed "N.E.D.-No Evidence of Disease." In cancer treatment circles this is the disease remission that you pray for referred to as "Dancing with NED." While it is not a cure, it is an indication that active disease is not present.
I can honestly say one cannot know true sorrow until the one you cherish most is in peril and one cannot know true joy until the one you cherish most is saved. Right now, I am joyful to the point of tears. I pray that hers will be a long, slow dance (with Ned).
That's great news! I hope she keeps dancing with NED as well!
I debated whether to update this post, but by doing so I think it is more beneficial for me than for you, the reader. You see, Cathy's cancer returned in February scarcely 3 months after remission. She is now back in chemo but of a different variety than the first time which was platinum-based consisting of carboplatin and taxol. Because her recurrence happened less than 6 months after remission, her cancer is now termed "platinum resistent ovarian cancer." Life expectancy after a short-term remission such as this is 12 to 18 months. We are not giving up but this illustrates the insidious nature of ovarian cancer and what a devastating disease it really is. We are in need of a miracle right now. Praying that she gets one.
Ah shit, man.