
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let y'all know that, as a millennial, I just HAD to start a podcast. Join me as your host, and a rotating cast of my closest friends as we talk about anything and everything under the sun, from Tesla cars to running over animals in my show titled "Get a Load of These Guys!", or GLTG for short. Uploaded weekly, you'll get a fresh story to listen to while you work or drive. Check us out on Youtube at GLTG Podcast, and follow us on Twitter for updates @gltgpodcast. Let me know what you think, I'd appreciate all your (kindly worded) feedback!
Appreciate ya
I didn't want to like it and at first I thought it was just kinda goofy and bad but I have to admit in a non-dad way it is growing on me and now by the third episode I actually look forward to the next. It's getting better, you're all getting better at it, and it IS funny.
I have fixed Kyle's post to actually have links to the things he is promoting.
Lmao I literally just came back to link it all, thank you for catching it for me
Now I'm learning about all the times my kids got into car accidents and pulled over and wasn't told.
I should file it under educational
Alright boys, been a minute, but a few episodes have been uploaded, I'd appreciate the exposure
I'm seriously enjoying listening to this. Funny enough I'm a few years ahead of you guys and it's crazy hearing the similar ideas you guys have and how I've lived through some of the things you've talked about. Good stuff guys, good stuff.
Thank you @cola, means a lot!
Episode 7 is your best episode yet. You guys are finding your stride.
Back again with another one-of-a-kind educated episode!
We said education was stupid so we're back asking if you'd rather be a fish or a bird. And then we talked about games