EPIC 2018 - Safe Journey Home
He I sit, outside the place filled with laughter, love, and friendship. For fifteen years I've come to this event, and for the fifteenth time, I am departing but, this time, more so than any other, I do so with a heavy heart.
I was not blessed with a large family and I have always been a little jealous of those that do. Icrontic is what I imagine it would feel like to have that large family. I feel the love and friendship... It is intoxicating and even addictive.
As I close my car door, I can still hear the laughter, still feel the love, and I feel that a piece of me is being left behind...
I miss you all and I bid you all a safe journey home and look forward to next year.
On our way back to New York. Quick stop for gas, but all that came out were beans.
I just arrived home after dropping off @The_Ischyros on the way. @Colgere should be home soon as well, he left from my house a bit ago.
The Kid and I are home and resting. Miss the hell out of everyone already.
As @GHoosdum stated above, I am now home and am already looking forward to next year.
I made it home an hour or so ago...
Home as well, it was GREAT seeing everyone!
Finally made it home. Too many accidents along the way. Now time for some beans!
I made it home alright but all I found was beans.
Expo is hands down my favourite time of year. So much love, can't wait til next year! Safe travels, fam.

I'm in Seattle now, slight delay but should be home by 1am my time :-P
What if you made it home to see your pets after a week away, but all you found were beans. ??
Just got back to the house in Hawaii, airline mishandled my bag so that might take a bit. I miss you all, and wish you the best for the coming year. Till we meet again
Omfg crazy turbulent flight from Seattle, nearly barfed.
Home safe at last :-)
Could have been worse. They could have taken a shit on it.
Potatoes au gratin?
I wanted potatoes au gratin but all I found was beans!
I went to White Castle for one shit burger, but it turned out to be one shit bean. Jerry was not amused.
After about two hours of turbulence, made it back. Now I'm sweating through >600 emails from my days off O.o
Rocky got his bed back and he doesn’t miss any of you.
That bed looks just like...
Thanks for being so welcoming for my first event. Had a great time!
Got home about an hour ago. Angry cat is angry and happy to see me.
Just arrived, what a crappy day on I-94
Just got home safely.
Car to plane to bus to subway to home.
You're all the greatest, and I'm so grateful to have shared the last week with such awesome people. Until next time!
Back in Cincinnati safely, though I accidentally half a box of Lucky Charms on the way. :embarrassed smiley:
Today @PinkInDetroit, @sneakypurples, and I went to Treat Dreams.
There was a dog outside
Pink goes up to guy, of course, says "Oh my gosh he's so sweet can I pet your dog" etc.
Guy says "sure"
Pink bends down, starts doing her thing. Asks guy, "What's his name?"
I swear on my mother's grave, the man looked down and said:
So of course @sneakypurples says, "When you go to pet a dog and it's just Beans"
Back home. My cats are simultaneously sulking and seeking attention. Neither of them are beans ... yet.
I think he missed me
Well, @CrazyJoe and @sneakypurples are away, the final loads of laundry are in, the great room is back in order, and the maid service has departed. That's a wrap!