A heavy blippin' confession
Hello community,
I have a story to share.
It was a different time. Minecraft had just came out and was still in a pre-alpha state. There was weirdness galore. Introducing online multiplayer made it worse. Exacerbated it. Some bugs, some features. Creeper explosions didn't do anything and Zombies dropped feathers. A lot of these bugs came to be the enjoyment of many of us. Sure, jump off that bridge from the height limit, fall damage doesn't work. And then there was duping. A trick involving a chest in which by a small risk of losing an object, one might duplicate an object. Rinse and repeat until by the same small risk, duplicate a stack. Continue until the one diamond you found was a chest full of diamonds. The one ore of gold you mines was a chest full of gold bars. It wasn't cheating, it was in the software. An exploit you might say.
This knowledge came to me. I don't even remember how. There was such a small amount of items in the game and I had the power to have infinite amounts of them. But then what?
If you go back to that world, it has a sky bridge between builds. Right next to a pyramid that Hitman built, I had a small cave. Load that world and you'll find arches of diamond and gold. I couldn't help myself. Why go exploring for items when I have them all. What then? Take a look below the arches, you will find a sign:
> I learned how to dup items and it ruined the game.
I share that story to share this.
There was no auto clicker. No hacks. No editing files. No other software was used other than the game itself. I am not proud.
Man, I wish I spoke Minecraft because this seems pretty fantastic whatever it is.
I kind of hate to do this, but I posted this in July on Discord.
See, this doesn't look like much. 1.2 Billion? Nub blops. But that B is a poorly chosen abbreviation (initialism? whatever). That's what it shows you after A. And *A* doesn't even make sense for what comes after trillion.
That 1.2B is 1.2 **quintillion** blops.
This was from a few days before that:
And this was blippin' screen the last time I blopped:
Your plebeian 750 Prestige has been noted.
Catch me in blops. I'm about 240x ahead.
And those hard earned blops that took you a month to get to wouldn't get you to 1/3 my prestige that I gained in an hour. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You keep counting your villagers killed, I'll keep tally by villages.
Allow me to be openly clear: I found a bug. Similar situation to my Minecraft story. I was playing as normal, found a bug that allowed stupid fast advancement and it ruined the game play for me. Why sit there and Blip Blops when I can literally Blip Prestige levels.
I'm only jesting with @Garg . I trust he gained the prestige he has 100% legit and his number of Blops is quite admirable.
<3 Digi
LOL. I prestiged to 750 with a bug, too. Or at least I think it's a bug. I just stayed there because the bonus caps out at 10000% :D
It's unclear where this prestiging falls on the bug-feature spectrum. I can imagine it being allowed to prestige more than once, if you've built up a lot of blops. But how many blops would it take to prestige back-to-back? If I mash the prestige button a few hundred times, did I have enough blops for that, or was it never supposed to let me prestige more than once?
If the developer can't count past a trillion for a game that is entirely about making bigger numbers, I'm not sure I trust the intentionality of the gameplay features anywhere else.
This is classic Icrontic and I love you guys for it
The bug I came across for sure did not require enough blops to prestige multiple times. It put me in a mode where as long as I didn't press anything other than the prestige button, the screen would not reset and I could simply prestige again, and again, to (presumably) infinity. It is 100% replicable and very easy to pull off.