Trying to reason with hurricane season: 2019 edition

pigflipperpigflipper The Forgotten Coast Icrontian

That most wonderful time of the year is in full swing: Peak Hurricane Season.

And we have one headed towards Florida yet again. I really hope it avoids the Panhandle, we are still hurting really bad after the absolute monster known as Michael completely devastated a huge area last October. They are still doing clean up and the infrastructure just to the West of me (I am in Tallahassee for those who don't know) is still iffy at best, some areas only received full power restoration in May.

The current track for (now) Tropical Storm Dorian has it hitting between Ft Lauderdale and Jacksonville, with most models centering closer to Daytona, as a mid level Category 3 storm before coming across the state and either entering the super warm Gulf waters or staying inland and just cutting a swath NW across the heart of the state including Tallahassee. If it enters the Gulf of Mexico it could restrengthen back to a Cat 3 or higher, those waters are HOT in the northern Gulf, 88F+ and that is just fuel for the fire.



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