Hung out after the session the other daaaaaaaay...
@sazboom @Sazbean @primesuspect @TiberiusLazarus @RyanFodder @jazzworth @cola (lol it me)
So… We chilled out in Discord after our session today and had a couple thoughts:
The basic idea was that our group isn't very consistent in attendance and it might be good to have a few one-shots ready for low population days. This would be all up to DM discression of course, after all it did take a year to finish the last arc. <3
1. We can use the next-door property as some kind of proxy guild-hall for one-off games, potentially expanding our character/npc pool (We seem to be making enough money to fund such an endeavor).
2. The proxy guild could focus on lower level/alternate curse warden tasks and help our characters become more familiar with other adventurers for more tasks depending on who shows up or if we want to try other class types.
3. Since they’re one off games, we wouldn’t need to focus so hard on long term story and catchup, especially on nights where we don’t have the full party.
4. We could use this to further expand the Troubador’s reputation and increase our publicity and profit, as well as notoriety.
5. As it is your game, we wanted to submit this to you and get your take.
If I missed anything ideas wise or if anyone has anything to add/say, please do.
Sounds fun. So would all the players be making a B team backup characters? I think the first side mission for the B team would be to clean out the house.
"B" team: The Wrong Ideas.
Cleaning out the house would be cool, makes sense to hire on future help for that kind of job. I'm down with making an alt character for this.