Icrontic on Township

There is a mobile game called Township: https://www.playrix.com/township/
It's a compelling, colorful, and casual town/farm builder that hits a lot of the right notes. It's one of those games that looks like this:
However, where it gets interesting is the "co-ops", the "regatta" and the leaderboards.
Allow me to explain:
Township is a game in which you run a small town; you start off like most city builders, with a farm and some fields and some animals and eventually you start building factories to make raw materials and then more complex goods. You level up, you build more housing, you get new features like a zoo and a mine, and so on. The graphic design is top-notch, and the sense of progress and pace is well done; like most mobile games there is definitely a pay-to-win element, but it's not necessary to have fun or progress. It's mostly to speed things up, but this game is pretty forgiving with the "Cash" (the stuff you need to buy things), gives plenty of it away just for playing and participating, and you can play at the max level of the game without ever spending a dime. Content is not gated.
So, it's a good time-waster; BUT:
When you join a "co-op" with other players, you have access to the Regatta, which is a race against other co-ops. You score points in the regatta by completing tasks from a random pool; you pick tasks that are worth points, complete them, and your whole team gets credit in the race. The more points your team earns, the higher up the leaderboard you go. Each co-op competes with their peers for points in a week-long event (there is a one-day break in between races), and the entire co-op gets rewards. It really makes the game much more interesting than it would be without the multiplayer aspect.
ANYWAYS: Icrontic has a co-op. Join me, @Massalinie, @_k, @elyxandra, @lershee, @CrazyJoe, @mewashere03 and others. We were part of another co-op but we had... a disagreement in leadership styles and there was mutiny and anyways now we have an Icrontic co-op.
To join the co-op you need to be level 19, which is much easier than it sounds. Getting to level 19 is basically playing for a day or two enough to learn the ropes. Consider it a tutorial. When you're level 19, ping me and we can get you in! Our co-op code is #CRGNXW
EDIT: Roster link (to friend people before you can get into co-op for help with orders)
Also, I'm gonna make a badge for it :D
I'm building my own town in Township! Use this code to add me to your friends list: 3VYLSD. Tap here to start playing: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playrix.township Have you ever dreamed of becoming the mayor of a prosperous town? Or maybe an industrial tycoon? You can be both in Township, a great new game! Create your own lively and prosperous town: ☆ Build houses and boost your town's population ☆ Open stores, hospitals, and other community buildings to make sure your residents have everything they need ☆ Build factories and develop your town's industry ☆ Fill townspeople's orders to earn in-game money and experience ☆ Collect Zoo animals and keep visitors happy ☆ Visit your friends' towns and send them gifts ☆ Lead your town toward prosperity and splendor! Build your dream!
me: I need to spend less time on my phone
also me: installs farmaddicttimesuck v.42
I.... geee.... I wonder who this could be.... 🙄😂
Well, Whorland Park was taken.
Started a couple nights ago, lvl 13 now so I'll be there soon ish
I started playing this thing due to peer pressure ;) 2RBKLQ
Taelynn and I joined! We’re going to win!
Fine.... Joined and working on levels. Gotta say feels a lot like when I used to play Farmville with my mom circa 2010
It might be good to compile a list of usernames of people we know since we are close to 30/30 members and I'm sure some randoms have joined. I'd also just be curious to know who is who :-D
Add your info to the Icrontic Township Roster --
(view only)
i think i fixed it - thanks google
goddamnit @prime i tried to join the coop but it says its full
I'm on this mess now, in the doc
edited roster link into the OP so people will see it earlier
added to the Doc
We absolutely kicked ass on this last regatta and it vaulted us out of the Wooden League and into Steel League. This next league, we will have 11 tasks max (12 with the bonus bought one), and we've started to be more strategic about taking higher point tasks, not reserving tasks too far in advance, and planning our next moves. We had several nearly-maxed-out racers in the last regatta and now that we have more higher-level people I feel like we're gonna crush this next one too. Silver League is definitely possible with this crew.