Tol's PDA: Grenades

sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
edited November 2019 in Talus

Tol takes out the PDA in hopes of finding it useful. It is a black tablet about the size of a book cover. The screen is glass.

On the back is a strange orange symbol and a warning that reads 'Warning, device is microfusion (tm) powered. Do not attempt to replace the fuel source without authorization' A second symbol reads 'Another fine Jentek product'

Tol presses the screen and it lights up a dull cerulean. Tol'etheran of Greenhallow Identified. User Level: Owner. Options: Voice Interface, Screen Interface, Psychic Interface. Temporal Interface (previous owner [LOCKED])


  • TiberiusLazarusTiberiusLazarus Icrontian
    edited November 2019

    "Uh... Voice interface..? Hello? What are 'grenades'? How are they made?"

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
    edited November 2019

    The PDA responds with a voice that sounds exactly like Christopher Lloyd's Dr Emmett Brown from Back to the Future.

    'Grenades? Grenades Marty? Well, they're these little ceramic eggs that have black power in them and a firing cap. Pull the pin, wait three second, then BOOM. But Marty, why do you want to know about those? They're dangerous Marty!'

  • TiberiusLazarusTiberiusLazarus Icrontian
    edited November 2019

    "Umm, school project? So this firing cap ignites this black powder? And then it, what? Makes lots of fire? Where would this black powder have come from? Is it magical?"

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

    After a few seconds the PDA responds again. 'I may have something here in my library. Just....... Let...... .me....... .look...... .euraka! This is pretty old, Marty, but the principle is the same. Take a look at THIS Marty!'

    A digital book fills the page. A ANSI art piece of a table with beakers, a burner, and vials of liquid. In scrolling ANSI Art text, the title reads 'Anarchist's Cookbook'. The book flips digitally to a page of explosive formulas with ingredient lists. Many of the terms are foreign to Tol, referencing earth modern household products. But some of the chemical names are the same as his alchemist books back on Greenhallow.

    According to the 'cookbook' the simple chemical mixture of Saltpeter, Sulfur, and Charcoal in the right proportions.

    Tol will have to do some investigating to learn if any of those ingredients are here on Talus naturally or if any merchant is importing them

  • TiberiusLazarusTiberiusLazarus Icrontian
    edited November 2019

    "So where would someone find those things?"

    Based on my own research I believe Tol might get a few ideas.

    • The backyard of Shadow's Home might have enough room to make some charcoal. Excess firewood, some mold earth to make an area, and a bit of magic to make a fire.
    • Check out a smithy or someone that processes ore for sulfur.
    • Stop by a stables for some manure, used straw, etc to process for saltpeter
  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
    edited November 2019

    I'm sorry Marty, I don't know enough of this time to say where to get those components. Is this 1955?

    So as for the creation of Gunpower, here is what you will find as you start doing research.

    Charcoal is the simplest ingredient to get. Wood itself is not the most common building material, given the limited location for trees. Most buildings are made of stone. Also firewood is regulated by the Greenskeepers, protectors of the Greenbraid, where the only source of renewable trees are on the island. Most heat their homes with dried Kelp which is in ready supply. Still, wood is available and the charcoal process is simple enough

    Sulfur is actually a little harder. While sulfur is a byproduct of smelting, most metals come to the island already processed. There isn't much point in bringing raw ore to the island. The island itself is not an ore producing rock. That being said, you can trade for sulfur with the Deep Runners. Deep Runners make their wage by traveling deep into the island's cave system to gather minerals, mostly for wizards. They are known among the alchemical circles in Talus as a source of sulfur from deep geothermal pots. The quantity is limited due to the weight and distance, plus the danger pay makes it expensive.

    Salt Peter can be distilled from animal urine, but it is also labor and time intensive. It can be done, but it isn't easy. The quantities you distill down from a literal ton of piss is quite small, relatively speaking.

    Given all the above, I will have to work out 1) how much a ounce of power will cost in materials and time and 2) how much you can reasonably produce in a month. It should be something that isn't so expensive or hard that its not worth doing, because I think the idea is fun. But is also wont be game breaking by being a quick and cheap 'everyone gets fireballs' option.

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