Downtime between 1.09 and 1.10

sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian

What downtime activities would you be conducting?



  • sagnamsagnam Member
    edited February 2020
    1. Purchase lesser frost vial formula to make bombs for Gunnar’s crossbow (1 gp, level 1)
    2. Purchase a repair kit and maybe a snare kit (2 + 5 gp)
    3. Repair lucky’s explorer’s clothing (10 minutes)
    4. Transfer Magic Weapon +1 rune from whip to someone else? (min 1 day and max 3.5 gp, level 2)
    5. Purchase another cart and horse for the lab and reagents (? gp)
    6. Subsist on garbage for free (You can subsist on food that most folks would consider spoiled. You can keep yourself fed with poor meals in a settlement as long as garbage is readily available, without using the Subsist downtime activity.)
    7. Craft 4x Moderate Alchemist’s Fire (3 days min, 40 gp max reagents, level 3)
    8. Craft 4x Moderate Quicksilver Mutagen (3 days min, 48 gp max reagents, level 3) if time remaining, else spend more time on other crafting activities to reduce the cost.
  • edited February 2020

    Kreck will once again take a Comfortable living arrangement in Brechhill. He isn't sure how stabling a horse goes so he will likely ask one of the party about that (likely whomever is driving the cart).

    Before separating from the group Kreck will hand his weapon to Tbom for the transfer of the rune and then asks Tbom (@Sagnam) where he wants all of the reagents.

    After getting Tbom situation squared away he will head to Tuskhead Stoneworking for a few things:
    1. To find out what type of food Storse will need (as Storse has likely refused all oats/grass Kreck has offered) and how to take care of Storse
    2. Does Rorsk Axebane have any more work for Kreck

    Additionally, he will check the post to see if a letter from the University arrived for him. (up to you if you want to mess with this but I figured it is just fluff of always checking the empty mailbox).

    Note: While I know it is likely that Storse will draw attention Kreck is somewhat obvious to this and is more worried about how to take care of the horse over folks trying to steal it (unsure if that would happen or not but figured I would lay it out as to how Kreck thinks as he sees the good in people).

  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian
    edited February 2020

    Shayna will be taking comfortable living in Breechhill. I'm assuming that there was plenty of time for sharing some stories on the way into town. In that vein, if you all mentioned you know where the blight and mutated creatures are coming from Shayna would have offered her services to the party in any way she could. The first thing Shayna will do is go pay her respects to her friends and will likely visit them each day.

    Shayna will be asking around for work, looking to work as a laborer, healer, or bodyguard. She would speak to Narine Howerdell of the Lumberyard having done some guard work for her lumberjacks before. After (I'm assuming) talking to Kreck I believe Shayna would also speak to Rorsk. As a third option, if there is a part of town that needs extra healers Shayna would offer services there as well.

    Shayna doesn't have much free coin and really just has the equipment on her back so she's not looking for much outside of earning a way to pay for the week. She'd attempt to befriend Narine Howerdell given the opportunity and would ask about any mutated or strange creatures as of late. This would also be questions she'd ask when sharing stories in the evenings at the Pickled Ear.

    1. Visit the Great Dreamhouse and let them know about Lucky. Kal stopped by there the previous time we stayed in town and saw Lucky spending time, seemingly familiar with the place, so Kal wants to make sure they know what happened. Kal will spend the day there and probably try to Befriend some of the priests talking about Religion. (1 day)

    2. Go with Gunnar to Crimson Wood Furs to see if they have options for the fire pelt. Possibly have it fashioned in to a cloak or similar garment that can be easily bundled up so the fire is contained inside.

    3. Kal will spend the rest of the week during the day at Lamond's Lament. Kal sees the fact that so many are living with so little, while so many have so much, as just another symptom of the illness that is cities. He'll offer to help in whatever way is needed; cleaning, cooking, medicining, telling stories about the wilds to kids (seeding ideas in their heads that it could be a better place than the cities). Mechanically hoping to make some friends in the less fortunate areas of Breachill. (6 'days')

    4. In the evenings Kal would go over to the Pickled Ear having learned it is a rowdy place. Drinks and maybe a couple brawls (totally none of them started by Kal...). (6 evenings)

  • Comfortable Living - 1GP
    1. Talk to Morta. Probably with Veerefel? Ask about resurrection. Finding out the price, ask about funeral services.
    2. Try to sell items: 5x Knuckle Daggers, 1x Studded Leather Armor, 1x Silver Scales, 1x Leather Apron of Acid Resistance.
    3. Accompany Kal to Crimson Woods Furs. Introduce him to Winthrop. Show Winthrop the pelt OUTSIDE away from burning anything. Ask if he can craft anything from this.
    4. Go to the Town Hall and inquire about renting a space for storage.
    5. Head to Vusker's. Speak with Fadelby for the possibility of upgrading to a wagon and purchasing an additional horse. The wagon in question would be a merchant style wagon that can hold a driver, possibly 3 passengers, and wares. If possible, sell him our cart to finance this wagon.
    6. If there's enough time, Earn Income using Bargain Hunter feat. "You can Earn Income using Diplomacy, spending your days hunting for bargains and reselling at a profit."
    7. Any remaining downtime, Gunnar will want to Make an Impression with more merchants.

  • Oh! And try to identify the dagger.

  • RyanFodderRyanFodder Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited February 2020

    Veerefel will seek out someone to train him in light armor. He'd like to put on the studded armor as soon as he could.

    He'll also spend any remaining free time conversing with Morta. He'll explain his conversation with Lucky after Noella's change with some glee and some sadness. He'll be fascinated by her impression of these events, and will take in any sage advice she has to offer.

    If training doesn't take the week (or more?), Veerefel will offer to spend any remaining time singing to anyone looking to hear a song. He'll even sing a dreaded happy song if the pay is good.

    Also comfortable living, preferably as close to Morta's as possible.

  • sagnamsagnam Member
    edited March 2020

    I rolled them in order in roll20.
    1. Repairing the armor I got a 22 (15 HP restored)
    2. Transferring the rune I got a 23 (1 day)
    3. Crafting the alchemist’s fire I got a 22 24 (+1 for specialty crafting in alchemy, 3 days, save 5 SP for making it out of junk)
    4. Crafting the quicksilver I got a 27 22 (1 shy of a crit!, same bonus, time, and savings)

    As stated above, if there isn’t enough time for all 4 then I will skip the mutagen and save 1.5 GP on one of the 2 other crafting activities.

  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian

    I suppose Shayna would also stop by QnB and see if they had work in the smithy.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian


    Purchase lesser frost vial formula to make bombs for Gunnar’s crossbow (1 gp, level 1)

    Yep, Calmont finds you the recipe in a rare book at Reliant Book Company of collected recipes for kids called 'Time to Earn your Way' about using kids to mix reagents for fun and profit. He'll let you copy the page for 1gp but wont sell the book

    Purchase a repair kit and maybe a snare kit (2 + 5 gp)

    No problem.

    Repair lucky’s explorer’s clothing (10 minutes)

    You find that you can repair the damage but cannot get the red stain out of the leather.

    Transfer Magic Weapon +1 rune from whip to someone else? (min 1 day and max 3.5 gp, level 2)

    It will cost you 3g 4s and some of that coin is to rent the workshop at Quarter and Bits.

    Purchase another cart and horse for the lab and reagents (? gp)

    Subsist on garbage for free (You can subsist on food that most folks would consider spoiled. You can keep yourself fed with poor meals in a settlement as long as garbage is readily available, without using the Subsist downtime activity.)

    Craft 4x Moderate Alchemist’s Fire (3 days min, 40 gp max reagents, level 3)

    You need to take one day and spend 5sp to mount setup the equipment into the cart to use it as a mobile lab.

    _Craft 4x Moderate Quicksilver Mutagen (3 days min, 48 gp max reagents, level 3) _

    See above

    if time remaining, else spend more time on other crafting activities to reduce the cost.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian


    1. To find out what type of food Storse will need (as Storse has likely refused all oats/grass Kreck has offered) and how to take care of Storse

    Storse eats normal horse food and poops normal pool. Seems it's only his skin that has made into stone. You will need stone working tools to trim his mane, tail, and hooves. He will also need lubricant oil on his legs and neck to keep the stone skin from rubbing too much.

    1. Does Rorsk Axebane have any more work for Kreck

    Yes, Rorsk is grudgingly pleased that you have returned. He berates his other workers saying 'Watch Kreck and learn, you lazy kobold kissers.'

    Additionally, he will check the post to see if a letter from the University arrived for him. (up to you if you want to mess with this but I figured it is just fluff of always checking the empty mailbox).

    No letter has arrived for him.

    Note: While I know it is likely that Storse will draw attention Kreck is somewhat obvious to this and is more worried about how to take care of the horse over folks trying to steal it (unsure if that would happen or not but figured I would lay it out as to how Kreck thinks as he sees the good in people).

    Storse does draw attention, but only casually. You being a half orc, you're more considered a pair of oddities. Half Orcs are rare, and those around the borders of Hold of Balkin are considered non-concentual offspring and not to be trusted due to 'bad blood'.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian


    Shayna will be taking comfortable living in Breechhill. I'm assuming that there was plenty of time for sharing some stories on the way into town. In that vein, if you all mentioned you know where the blight and mutated creatures are coming from Shayna would have offered her services to the party in any way she could. The first thing Shayna will do is go pay her respects to her friends and will likely visit them each day.

    You friends were laid to rest outside of town in the Stonefields, a non-demoniational cemetery outside Breachill. A carin is used as gravemarkers.

    Shayna will be asking around for work, looking to work as a laborer, healer, or bodyguard. She would speak to Narine Howerdell of the Lumberyard having done some guard work for her lumberjacks before. After (I'm assuming) talking to Kreck I believe Shayna would also speak to Rorsk. As a third option, if there is a part of town that needs extra healers Shayna would offer services there as well.

    Ten stone masons from the canyons along the creek just arrived carrying injured workers from a landslide. All healers are called in to the Dreaming House to aid.

    Shayna doesn't have much free coin and really just has the equipment on her back so she's not looking for much outside of earning a way to pay for the week. She'd attempt to befriend Narine Howerdell given the opportunity and would ask about any mutated or strange creatures as of late. This would also be questions she'd ask when sharing stories in the evenings at the Pickled Ear.

    Go ahead and give me a Make an Impression check.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian


    Visit the Great Dreamhouse and let them know about Lucky. Kal stopped by there the previous time we stayed in town and saw Lucky spending time, seemingly familiar with the place, so Kal wants to make sure they know what happened. Kal will spend the day there and probably try to Befriend some of the priests talking about Religion. (1 day)

    Sounds good, give me a Make an Impression check (DC 15)

    Go with Gunnar to Crimson Wood Furs to see if they have options for the fire pelt. Possibly have it fashioned in to a cloak or similar garment that can be easily bundled up so the fire is contained inside.

    Finney is freaked out when you show him the pelt. It will take a Make an Impression check (DC 18) to convince him that this is his opportunity to make something one of a kind.

    Kal will spend the rest of the week during the day at Lamond's Lament. Kal sees the fact that so many are living with so little, while so many have so much, as just another symptom of the illness that is cities. He'll offer to help in whatever way is needed; cleaning, cooking, medicining, telling stories about the wilds to kids (seeding ideas in their heads that it could be a better place than the cities). Mechanically hoping to make some friends in the less fortunate areas of Breachill. (6 'days')

    All healers are called to the Great Dreamhouse to aid a shift of mason quarry workers injured by a landslide. The hosue offers to pay wages at level 4

    In the evenings Kal would go over to the Pickled Ear having learned it is a rowdy place. Drinks and maybe a couple brawls (totally none of them started by Kal...). (6 evenings)
    Give me a Make an Impression check to see if anyone wants to offer you some information.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian


    Comfortable Living - 1GP

    1. Talk to Morta. Probably with Veerefel? Ask about resurrection. Finding out the price, ask about funeral services.

    You learn what you already know, that resurrection is expensive and that you don't have enough for the state of the Lucky's body. She offers to entern what you have in a cold box for a month for free in case you change your mind and find a horde of coin. Otherwise she suggests the Stonefields outside of town to lay the remains to rest.

    1. Try to sell items: 5x Knuckle Daggers, 1x Studded Leather Armor, 1x Silver Scales, 1x Leather Apron of Acid Resistance.

    The first knuckle dagger sells at 50%. Each additional dagger is 10% less given you are flooding the market.
    The armor sells for 50% list
    The Silver Scales sell for 15g
    Morta offers to buy the apron herself for 10gp

    1. Accompany Kal to Crimson Woods Furs. Introduce him to Winthrop. Show Winthrop the pelt OUTSIDE away from burning anything. Ask if he can craft anything from this.

    See comment for @TiberiusLazarus Need to convince him that this is a career making challange.

    1. Go to the Town Hall and inquire about renting a space for storage.

    Greta Gardania listens to your request. She says that the town's available property is mostly filled with established businesses for housing and warehousing their people and supplies. There is a building on the Southeast end of town, formerly owned by the Hellknigh Order of the Chain that is now government property. It's name is Bellweather. It is large and expensive but you could lease it by the week for 5gp 6sp at week. Doing this would reduce each of your collective Cost of Living for anyone not subsisting by this much in aggregate.

    1. Head to Vusker's. Speak with Fadelby for the possibility of upgrading to a wagon and purchasing an additional horse. The wagon in question would be a merchant style wagon that can hold a driver, possibly 3 passengers, and wares. If possible, sell him our cart to finance this wagon.

    @sagnam is investigating upgrading the cart. See the link in his answer

    1. If there's enough time, Earn Income using Bargain Hunter feat. "You can Earn Income using Diplomacy, spending your days hunting for bargains and reselling at a profit."

    Absolutely. Doing all of the above will take 2 days. You have 5 left. Give me a Diplomacy check for DC 18

    1. Any remaining downtime, Gunnar will want to Make an Impression with more merchants.

    Decide between this and 6 above as to how many days of each you do. This is a Make an Impression check of DC 17

    1. Identify the dagger

    Talking with Crink, you learn that Cold Iron is especially good against fiends, demons, devils, and other things from the lower planes. It is also effective against Fey creatures. He says he is willing to buy it at full list price of a normal dagger if you want to sell.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
    edited March 2020


    Veerefel will seek out someone to train him in light armor. He'd like to put on the studded armor as soon as he could.

    So this is respecing. You can respec to replace an existing feat you have for another, in this case the Light Armor feat Otherwise you can take this feat when you level up. NOTE: you can always wear the armor without proficiency. No penalties, just don't get quite as much benefit.

    He'll also spend any remaining free time conversing with Morta. He'll explain his conversation with Lucky after Noella's change with some glee and some sadness. He'll be fascinated by her impression of these events, and will take in any sage advice she has to offer.

    She tells him that in her line of work, talking with the recently dead is rare. It happens to her a couple times a year. That you were able to connect with Lucky unaided impresses her. She suggests you consult the clerics of Pharsma to learn more about the Lady of Graves and if she has blessed you. (

    If training doesn't take the week (or more?), Veerefel will offer to spend any remaining time singing to anyone looking to hear a song. He'll even sing a dreaded happy song if the pay is good.

    Training will take all week if yoiu are respecing. Otherwise, you can spend the time singing for coin. The Pickled Ear tavern is short on entertainment and is interested in anyone willing to try their luck. Its a rough place though so making coin there is hard, but on the flip side it pays pretty well even if you suck. Level 4 Performance check DC 18

    Also comfortable living, preferably as close to Morta's as possible.

  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian

    19 for the medicine check (I assumed a roll was required)

    17 to make an impression

  • @sazboom Unsure if you want an Athletics (23) or Labor (16) roll so I rolled a flat D20 (12) and added the modifier separately for the job.
    Kreck will also purchase what is needed to care for Storse. I will mark off 5 silver and just file it as a Storse Care Kit (I can mark off more if you feel it is needed).

  • RyanFodderRyanFodder Detroit, MI Icrontian

    @sazboom Respeccing performance trait to light armor the whole week.

    Then, as part of 4th level, taking performance feat again.

    Not efficient, but I end up where im supposed to be.

  • 1.) Make an Impression (Diplomacy): 22
    2.) Will let Gunnar handle the diplomacy as he and Winthrop seem friendly. Kal tries to Aid the conversation (Diplomacy): 8
    3.) Medicine: 22
    4.) Make an Impression on the drunkards: 8

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
    edited March 2020


    19 for the medicine check (I assumed a roll was required)

    DC was 18, so you succeed in treating the wounded for as many days as you want, Task Level 4.

    17 to make an impression

    DC was 19, so you Narine just gives you the same information that is general knowledge, strange reports of unnatural creatures in the areas around Etran's Folly and north along the Cut.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
    edited March 2020


    @sazboom Unsure if you want an Athletics (23) or Labor (16) roll so I rolled a flat D20 (12) and added the modifier separately for the job.

    Athletics is fine for this job. Rorsk asks you to help him survey a new line of granite along the Five Kings Mountain near Castle Altearien. He has you carry the heavy items on the 5 day journey and pays you Task Level 4 for the help. He tells you to stay clear of the Castle these days. 'Without those iron wrapped pebblebrained Hellknights ta man it, the whole place be a death trap ta anyone dumb enough to wander dat way'

    Kreck will also purchase what is needed to care for Storse. I will mark off 5 silver and just file it as a Storse Care Kit (I can mark off more if you feel it is needed).

    please do

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
    edited March 2020


    @sazboom Respeccing performance trait to light armor the whole week.

    Veerefel tries to outfit the armor himself for the first day. The frustrating scene of the gnome misaking straps and buckles and hooks of the complex armor draws some chuckles from the group. You almost quit thinking the armor was just too large for you. Shayna, the newbie of the group, offers to help the gnome on the second day. She teaches you the right combinations of buckles, straps, and hooks, as well as how to bootstrap the armor on and off yourself. For the rest of the week you practice getting the armor on, off, and moving around in it. By the end, you feel at least comfortable in the new gear.

    Then, as part of 4th level, taking performance feat again. Not efficient, but I end up where im supposed to be.

    We all walk our own path. Efficiency makes for poor storytelling.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian


    1.) Make an Impression (Diplomacy): 22

    Kellen Carondil is happy to include you into his 'Coffee with Your God' morning gathering he has with clerics and priests from around Breachill. This week they are discussing the nature of Gods of Destruction like Rovagug or Dahak. Why do they exist in a world where Gods both good and Evil have an interest in not letting Golarion burn down around them.

    2.) Will let Gunnar handle the diplomacy as he and Winthrop seem friendly. Kal tries to Aid the conversation (Diplomacy): 8

    Fair enough.

    3.) Medicine: 22

    Your success on the impression check with Kellen Carondil earlier allows you free access to aid their healing the wounded masons. 'I am grateful for any aid you can spare. We have over two dozen wounded from the rockfall. They will need to be mended and treated throughout the week.' Task level 4

    4.) Make an Impression on the drunkards: 8

    Kal is a hard man to like. He's also a hard man to hate enough to punch. You don't find anyone willing to do either so you don't learn anything of note.

  • colacola part legend, part devil... all man Balls deep Icrontian
    edited March 2020

    @RyanFodder git gud laddie, layk eet ur nah tha’ll keep yew alayve! An let meh no if’n ya ev’r neyd ‘er patch’d oop. Yew’ll ‘aver dewn en new tyme ah’d waydjeyr!

    1. Knuckle Dagger - 7 SP (base) 1st 35 CP then 31, 28, 25, and 22.
      Total: 141 CP
      Armor: 150 CP
      Silver Scales: 15 GP
      Apron: 10 GP
      Total: 27 GP, 9 SP, 1 CP

    2. Rolled 11 on Diplomacy (Make an Impression) for talking to Winthrop

    3. Rolled 27 (natural 20) for Bargain Hunting
    4. Rolled 13 Make an Impression for Town Hall
      Rolled 15 Make an Impression for Town Archives
  • RyanFodderRyanFodder Detroit, MI Icrontian

    @cola i understood that. Thanks for the help.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian
    edited March 2020


    Knuckle Dagger - 7 SP (base) 1st 35 CP then 31, 28, 25, and 22.

    Crink is annoyed with Gunnar by the third knuckle dagger. 'Why by Abadar's vault would I have bought a second orc fist poker if I had known there was a third? I'm just going to have to sell this steal to Yorlin at cost and see what he can make of it.'

    Rolled 11 on Diplomacy (Make an Impression) for talking to Winthrop

    'I am deeply sorry friends, but my hands are far too important to my trade to risk on something as dangerous as this cat pelt. Might I suggest the Ulfen working at Quarter and Bits. That savage northman's work is rough, but I'd wager he doesn't worry about a few burns stopping his trade.'

    Rolled 27 (natural 20) for Bargain Hunting

    (Critical Success - Task Level 5) Gunnar finds a shipment of spoiling Bitterberry fruit on a merchant cart that just made the trec south. Knowing a preserving recipe from your childhood, you offer to buy the fruit for next to nothing. You then hire Renatta Gilroy of the Lamont's Lament to cook up some preserves by your recipe. You tell him to cook it nice and slow to kill off anything dangerous from the overripe fruit. By the end, you have a vat of wonderful fruit spread that the cook offers to buy instantly for 3 times what you paid for the ingredients and his time. The spread becomes the talk of the town for the Lament for the week you are there.

    Rolled 13 Make an Impression for Town Hall

    Greta isn't moving on her price

    Rolled 15 Make an Impression for Town Archives

    What was this roll for?

  • jazzworthjazzworth Member
    edited March 2020

    The rolls for the Town Hall and Town Archives was just to improve my relationship with them.
    So how much did I get in total with Krink and from my preserves?
    With Tbom and Kal's addition (9.14 G), we'd go to Vusker's and purchase a Medium Wagon and an additional Pack Horse. Gunnar will pay for any extra upcharge, as well as the wagon being fitted to travel through rough terrain, lanterns, and a covering. If we can sell our previous cart to Fadelby, that would be great.

  • sazboomsazboom White Lake MI Icrontian


    So how much did I get in total with Krink and from my preserves?

    Crink gave you what you listed, he just complained about it. Also gives you the impression multiple items has a deminishing return that might not justify gathering them in the future. As for the preserves, you get your Task Level 5 award for each day that you had the preserves made (as in, that was your job and you did extra well to kick it up to a Task Level 5).

  • @sazboom As this is a 5 day journey, should I still deduct the standard of living expenses for those days or just drop it to the 2(?) days I would be in town?

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