xp-m 2500+ unlocked?
According to this article the xp-m 2500+ is unlocked and available at newegg ...http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=14245. Just an FYI
also ...http://forums.amdmb.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=297449
also ...http://forums.amdmb.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=297449
I am looking at building my wife a micro or sff box.
Less heat to handle would be real nice.
Whats this I hear about 1.25 vcore CPUs. Someone at school said they heard of one as well. The prescotts take less I think but I dont know of any AMDs that will.
Well after reading AMDMB it was $89, then $95, and now its $100 and out of stock. Some guy said he bought 4 after his first. DAMN!!
So what mod would need to be done to get this to work on a normal ATX board?
BTW Marc, they still have the 2400m in stock for $88 and they overclock well too. They were $79 a week ago though.
my 2400m @ 1.75v on a KD7-E KT333 mobo...