Microsoft offers free security CDs.

This is a newsy things, but can be said in a simple post:
Many of you who have had problems with securing your computers have wanted a way to track and to do the updates, and to understand better both HowTo and to have the capability to do so without downloading.
The understanding solution part is here:
Those of you who want a CD with lots ofr the info and some tools, if you are system admins or ITPros or system builders, can order a free guidance CD that should ship sometime in April of 2004. Microsoft is taking preorders for this CD starting very recently. I saw the first note about the new site day before yesterday, link to the order form for the free Security Guidance CD is at the above site.
The end user with Security Pack download problems, and some others, might want a security pack CD that is offered here:
This CD has Critical Updates for Windows 89 through XP on it, and is a compilation of lots of them for each O\S. I have heard different timeframes as to what is included, but it has a lot of the security fixes on it for each of the O\S versions all on one CD. I am carefully not saying ALL as I do not have mine yet, though I have ordered it. When I get it in 2-4 weeks I will tell you what date ranges are on it. The order form for this one is NOT a prerorder liek the one for the guidance CD, it is a current offering.
NOTE: I know both are available for shipping to the US and Canada, and have not looked into UK availability yet, or for anywhere else other than US or Canada. These right now are English CDs.
John D.
Many of you who have had problems with securing your computers have wanted a way to track and to do the updates, and to understand better both HowTo and to have the capability to do so without downloading.
The understanding solution part is here:
Those of you who want a CD with lots ofr the info and some tools, if you are system admins or ITPros or system builders, can order a free guidance CD that should ship sometime in April of 2004. Microsoft is taking preorders for this CD starting very recently. I saw the first note about the new site day before yesterday, link to the order form for the free Security Guidance CD is at the above site.
The end user with Security Pack download problems, and some others, might want a security pack CD that is offered here:
This CD has Critical Updates for Windows 89 through XP on it, and is a compilation of lots of them for each O\S. I have heard different timeframes as to what is included, but it has a lot of the security fixes on it for each of the O\S versions all on one CD. I am carefully not saying ALL as I do not have mine yet, though I have ordered it. When I get it in 2-4 weeks I will tell you what date ranges are on it. The order form for this one is NOT a prerorder liek the one for the guidance CD, it is a current offering.
NOTE: I know both are available for shipping to the US and Canada, and have not looked into UK availability yet, or for anywhere else other than US or Canada. These right now are English CDs.
John D.
Hey Jengo - check this out!