forcing tinkers?
Malaysia Icrontian
Just asking whether there is a flag to make f@h receive tinkers only.
Any help is appericiated
Any help is appericiated
well some guys folding for me complain of their WU's restarting all the time as they DONT shutdown properly (dont ask why). Upon closer inspection, the WUs are of course gromacs. As tinkers dont restart from 0 and is extremely stable, i would like to get them for my frens
what do you mean by shutting down with ctrl c?
But seriously, it really should not do that, regardless of how you shutdown. I have hit the power button on my machine while folding was running and it shut itself down in less than 4 seconds, but that WU did not start back at 0 because of it.
What I would do in your case is to first try a complete wipe of F@H and start over from scratch. If it's close to finishing a WU go ahead and let it, then completely scrap every trace of F@H, then start over with the latest version of the client.
why dont we try the new beta client?
after a stupid BSOD on my p3 450 2 weeks worth of folding down the drain, now ive missed the deadline!
I'll throw in my two cents about the shut down thing. I've just about never properly done it either, and I've never had a prob losing any. I've also (many a time) had to hard boot the system when it hangs and I don't even lose it then. (I'm running win 2k, btw)
I have also had to hard boot from a freeze and havent lost a WU from that.
A pre 3.x client could be doing this or some other APP causing problems. I think anything older than 2k could also do something as well IE not shut down as well as the NT core.
It handles crashes/reboots much better than the Graphical version