DFI NII Ultra Infinity
heres the product link - http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=13-136-137&depa=0
Well, first off I'll state my current system specs:
Locked Barton 2500+
A7N8X Deluxe v1.04
Corsair LL 2-3-2-6 (256x2) DDR400 PC3200
Radeon 9700 Pro
80gig WD SE 8mb
480 Thermaltake Purepower PSU
Ok, well i've learnt that the revision 1.04 has problems keeping a stable 200mhz fsb without crashing or having vga problems. Now i'm on the market for a new mobo. I've heard alot about the NF7-S's and frankly, i just want to be a little different from the crowd. I found this DFI board, looks good (basically a Lanparty board without the extra LAN and packaged goodies) and the Lanparty board has rave reviews of overclockability and such. The Infinity is just a barely trimmed down version of the Lanparty.
Anyways, i was hoping someone would have any info on this board (reviews, personal knowledge, etc) because i'm interested in buying it. Your info is greatly appreciated!
Well, first off I'll state my current system specs:
Locked Barton 2500+
A7N8X Deluxe v1.04
Corsair LL 2-3-2-6 (256x2) DDR400 PC3200
Radeon 9700 Pro
80gig WD SE 8mb
480 Thermaltake Purepower PSU
Ok, well i've learnt that the revision 1.04 has problems keeping a stable 200mhz fsb without crashing or having vga problems. Now i'm on the market for a new mobo. I've heard alot about the NF7-S's and frankly, i just want to be a little different from the crowd. I found this DFI board, looks good (basically a Lanparty board without the extra LAN and packaged goodies) and the Lanparty board has rave reviews of overclockability and such. The Infinity is just a barely trimmed down version of the Lanparty.
Anyways, i was hoping someone would have any info on this board (reviews, personal knowledge, etc) because i'm interested in buying it. Your info is greatly appreciated!
I do have two concerns though:
1- I can't tell from Newegg's pics if it has the 4 holes around the CPU socket for mounting massive heatsinks like the SP-97.
2- It looks to me like even if it does have those mounting holes, the caps below the CPU socket may get in the way of a really big HSF anyhow.
I would think that the DFI would definitley be able to push higher then my current 189mhz fsb (though fast, I know I can push the 2500+ much further). About your two concerns; I'm not too worried about the 4 holes for mounting massive heatsinks. I use the SLK-900A which is massive enough for me and from DFI's website, this heatsink should fit the board fine.
I like the sound of "good and stable", and I would find that the BIOS Reloaded feature could possibely come in handy quite a bit (experimenting with overclocking).
And yes, I'd say that most likely, the DFI will do more than 189MHz FSB
Seeya around and thanks for your input!
I'm hoping 2.3ghz if not higher (heard one good story of a 2.6ghz with stock cooling!)