footnotes in dreamweaver mx?
new york
anybody know how to use/make/fake footnotes in dreamweaver mx?
Right now i have it ghetto-rigged with a different fontsize for the footnote definitions at the bottom of the page, but I need to figure out how to have my little roman numerals in the body of the text 'elevated.' You know, like a superscript i think it's called? like x to the 3rd power...........
I have checked all of the styles you can apply to text, but nothing elevates it. Any thoughts?
Right now i have it ghetto-rigged with a different fontsize for the footnote definitions at the bottom of the page, but I need to figure out how to have my little roman numerals in the body of the text 'elevated.' You know, like a superscript i think it's called? like x to the 3rd power...........
I have checked all of the styles you can apply to text, but nothing elevates it. Any thoughts?
Use <sup>superscripted stuff goes here</sup>