service host, it runs all the fun stuff that keeps the computer running, like the network, the storage subsystem/memory management, and all the good stuff that hides under everything. run "%SystemRoot%\system32\services.msc /s" to see the services you're running. that's what this little program runs
so far as i can tell, each svchost.exe itteration runs different aspects of the low level system
Straight_ManGeeky, in my own wayNaples, FLIcrontian
ZiptoA is valid if you have an Iomega Zip drive, but please get recent Iomegaware for Win2K or XP, as appropriate. Looks like versions 2.8 and earlier do not like Win2K even, versions 3.1+ possible for use.
Are you having problems with your comp?
Nah, lol just checking if anyone saw some tasks running that might be not needed for general use.
Hey, dont worry about it. Thats why they give us the permissions to do things like this (well that and stealth edit peoples posts )
im so addicted to that game... lol
so far as i can tell, each svchost.exe itteration runs different aspects of the low level system
NOPDB is valid.
Basically, part of Norton Speed Disk
ZiptoA is valid if you have an Iomega Zip drive, but please get recent Iomegaware for Win2K or XP, as appropriate. Looks like versions 2.8 and earlier do not like Win2K even, versions 3.1+ possible for use.
John D.