Looks like time for a new PSU
I have had a Robanton 600W PSU for the past 1 1/2 yrs and not really had any problems but since moving into my new case with 3 HD's, 120mm fan (x2), 80mm fan (x3) and my vcore set to 1.75 I am getting some instability. My 3.3v and 12v readings are looking quite low. I am considering getting either an Antec True Power 480 or an Antec True Control 550. I thought these Robanton's were supposed to be good PSU's. After taking mine apart to replace the fans and noticing the stock PSU fans had "Powmax" stickers on them makes me think again.
With a CPU temp of 38C under full load I think I can rule out high temps.

I would move beacuse of the CPU voltages. Your low voltage legs are being sapped by the 12 volt load. Yuo can use a True Power or even a Channel Well tech 480 PSU for what you want. Both will be more effective than what you have.
For very low power draw and noise, very effective fans, I use Panaflos, but be aware your mothebroard will have NO senses from those so you need to use case temp to judge cooling and also disable case fan thermal cutout in BIOS. They will and should run at full speed, though they can be spun up at about 5.5-6 volts power with rheostats or a DigitalDoc 5 based on more local sensors (the DigitalDoc 5 I have and use mostly for diags on WEIRD problem boxes has 7-8 temp sensors as part of the kit), but I live in the Tropics so you probably will not need or want that pinpoint a control of temps except for diags.
John D.
its hooked up to my tv right now, really hard to read next time i bring it down ill check, and also with multi meter
Is there any real life advantage to a 550 true control over a 480 true power??? It really doesn't look like a whole lot when comparing the specs between the two PSU's.
I have been having problems that correspond with the lower readings time wise. I just tried an old 300W Enermax that I keep for testing and it looks better than my 600W Robanton right now!
honestly im not to sure.. all i knew when i got is was that i needed a new PSU, i blew one of the main caps in my 350 that was in my main rig and i needed a new PSU so i figured grab the biggest one and that will solve all my power issues.. i was also pretty happy to see that there where pre wired sata power plugs as im getting 2 more 80 gig hdd's... so thats handy fo that future upgrade, i just looked at the specs on both at the antec site and there isnt a huge difference between the 2, but for 30 bucks more CAD for the 550 , its not like im at a huge loss
** also, im always paranoid about having power shortages in my system so i run dual PSU's on my main rig :P **
Only with heavy use of DVD, several large HDs, DVD Burner plus CD burner, will you need much above 480-500 depending on effectiveness and efficiency. OR, if you need 6-8 very high draw fans.... Probably not needed for anything like normal use, that 550 is a file server PSU basically.
John D.
my middle name is overkill
That PSU will handle dual 2500s at 2.2GHz, 1GB of ram, a R8500, a HighPoint RR1540 RAID card, a SB Audigy 2, DVD and CD-RW drives, a zip, a floppy, and 4 hard drives w/o a problem.