PHP 5 goes to RC1
Beta testing is complete! PHP 5 will feature the Zend Engine II, a built-in SOAP extension, greatly improved XML manipulation, improved streams, and many other changes.
Read more at [link=http://www.php.net/]PHP.net[/link]
Read more at [link=http://www.php.net/]PHP.net[/link]
PHP5 will take time to filter into the community when it's actually gold but it's kickass
For all those who work with classes & MySQL... the new MySQLi functions kick serious ass. A native MySQL class embedded in the language. Bout time!
Edit:// Il bore you with why it's so good when I have a moment to construct an example
I care.
I tried downloading RC1 last night but none of the mirrors worked. I'm trying again today..
//EDIT: Spoke too soon.. 5/5 servers so far have been bust. :sad2:
All you gotta do now is figure out what a class actually is in PHP and you'l be ok GK
Hey! Just 'cause I can't use one yet doesn't mean I don't what it is...