Resizeable table columns in HTML

a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
edited February 2007 in Internet & Media
How would I go about making the table columns resizeable?

In all my googling I've found nothing that mentions how to allow one to resize columns in a table (just like one would do in Excel, or other spreadsheet programs) after the table has been drawn. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited March 2004
    Define resizeable.. that is a little varied in meaning :)
  • hoojhooj Bournemouth, UK
    edited March 2004
    you could use frames, but it could get very messy
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004
    Using frames isn't an option . . . thanks, though.

    As for resizeable columns having varied meanings . . . maybe these screenshots will illustrate what I'm saying.

    These are from Excel. The first image is just Excel with some cells filled in. The second is my resizing Column 1 . . . just like I'd like to be able to do with an HTML table column.
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited March 2004
    As HTML is static, you define either exact number of pixels or a % (which shrinks/expands with page resolution). That's not going to work here.

    To do it "on the fly.. ala Excel".. it's hunt for javascript/DHTML.
  • hoojhooj Bournemouth, UK
    edited March 2004
    you could do something with divs and javascript but it would be quite a complex task
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004
    It is turning out to be a bit more involved than I had hoped, but I do believe I've devised a scheme that will work, albeit not as smoothly as if it were supported natively by the widget (like it is in Excel and other spreadsheet programs). I'll post the results when I'm done. I'm hoping that will be tomorrow, but since the weekends never go as planned I won't be holding my breath.

  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited March 2004
    UM, in html,
    can be used for a Center column in a three column layout or a right column in a two column table define. Set up the other column or columns as absolutes, preferably percentages to allow for browser dynamic resizing. Grab the source of, or download it for a way to run dynamically variable table widths at a browser that any browser can resize as user changes width of browser Window. Left column is percentage defined, right column is free-form width with * as width parm.

    If you need both fixed and relative sizing, try a frameset explicitily defined for vertical frame areas, and not defined horizontally, with html content defined same way for containing in the frameset. I technically did not need all the table feeds in my example template, except that hr tags are best used external to tables according to Tidy.

    For a table that goes from a forum, I do NOT define widths at all, I let the forum feed code do that here. Look at my "GOOD News for Team Short-Media thread, and grab the source view of a message. I used SPAN instead of widths for title row, defined overall table width as a percentage, let browsers pick how they set width themselves. tr is ROW, put multiple cells in td pairs inside each tr for multiple cell width tables, let the dang browser calc cells from overall table width. This works if you feed font defs minus any sizing of font, let the browser choose size itself.

    Another way, is to feed a .pdf file, which can be created from as printer virtual driver output. Corel Draw 11 and up can also output .pdf files. Linux can natively create pdf compatible files also. So, alternative, if you are not looking for a dynamicly updated and embedded Excel feed, is to make a .pdf and feed that.

    John D.
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited March 2004
    Um, your link doesn't work.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004

    I appreciate the help, but I believe you have misunderstood my question. Having the browser decide the width of the columns is fine, but I also want the functionality of allowing the user to resize columns as can be done in Excel.

    I've already got it partially working, but I've run into a couple of snags:
    1. If the data in a cell that's being resized is very long, the contents of that cell "bleed" over past the limits of the column and into the next cell (looks bad).
    2. The columns will not allow me to adjust the width any less than 320px (in Mozilla. work-arounds for IE haven't been implemented so it doesn't work).

    I'm pretty sure I can get it to work; it's just a matter of how closely will Excel's behavior be mimicked.
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited March 2004
    This was the only example I was able to find.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004
    Thanks Kwitko. Mozilla doesn't display the bars (therefore I cannot resize it). IE does display the bars, but they cannot be moved (therefore I cannot resize it). Did it work for you?
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited March 2004
    Works for me in IE, not in Mozilla. :shakehead
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004
    I've spent probably a little over an hour working on it today (which is less than I had hoped for) but there's still plenty of time left in the day. The main thing is the text from one cell showing behind the text in the next cell and the columns not sizing down as much as they should

    Notice the "From" column. That is as small in width as I can get it, so there's something wrong there in my opinion--it should shrink more. Also, notice the next to last cell in the same column; see how the text bleeds over into the cell in the next column?

    (Notice all the spam? ;D )
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited March 2004
    IE6 works for me on 2k.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004
    You can't see the mouse in this image, but it is the elongated arrow and it was being dragged from the bars. Unfortunately, as soon as I attempt to drag the bar and error happens. Mozilla has a nice JavaScript window that will tell me what is going wrong, but I've never seen such a thing in IE so I don't know what's causing the error.
    ie.jpg 55.3K
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004
    I was this (holds up right hand and pushes his thumb and index finger together) close. But no go. However, I found something that seems to do what I'm wanting (or at least close enough that it can be adapted) so things are looking good. Maybe tonight I'll get it all setup, but for now I'm getting away from the computer. :)
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004
    It's not working perfectly, but it is coming along quite nicely. A few minor tweaks and all should be OK for Mozilla. IE looks rather odd, but I'm sure a few additional tweaks will allow IE to display the page properly too.
      <style type="text/css">
        background-color: lightgrey;
        color: blue;
        font: bold 12px helvetica, tahoma, verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, sans-serif;
        background-color: beige;
        color: black;
        font: bold 12px helvetica, tahoma, verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, sans-serif;
      tr {
        white-space: normal;
      th {
        white-space: normal;
      td {
        white-space: normal;
      div {
        width: 98%;
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    var _startPosition = 0;
    var _diffPosition = 0;
    var _allowMove = false;
    var _resizerColumn = null;
    var _firstColumn = null;
    var _secondColumn = null;
    var _resizerColumnLeft = 0;
    var _resizerColumnWidth = 0;
    var _firstColumnLeft = 0;
    var _firstColumnWidth = 0;
    var _secondColumnLeft = 0;
    var _secondColumnWidth = 0;
    var _systemEvent = null;
    if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
    	document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE | Event.MOUSEUP | Event.ONLOAD);
    document.onmouseup = disableMouseMovement;
    document.onmousemove = setNewPosition;
    function setPosition()
    	// Called for OnMouseDown event
    //	if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
    //		_startPosition = _systemEvent.clientX + _diffPosition;
    //	} else {
    //		_startPosition = _systemEvent.clientX + _diffPosition;
    //	}
    	_startPosition = _systemEvent.clientX;
    	_allowMove = true;
    	_resizerColumnLeft  = findPosX(_resizerColumn);
    	_resizerColumnWidth =;
    	_firstColumnLeft    = findPosX(_firstColumn);
    	_firstColumnWidth   =;
    	_secondColumnLeft   = findPosX(_secondColumn);
    	_secondColumnWidth  =;
    	window.status = "Starting position: " + _startPosition
    				  + " :: RCL " + _resizerColumnLeft
    				  + " :: FCL " + _firstColumnLeft
    				  + " :: SCL " + _secondColumnLeft
    				  + " :: RCW " + _resizerColumnWidth
    				  + " :: FCW " + _firstColumnWidth
    				  + " :: SCW " + _secondColumnWidth;
    	return true;
    function setResizeColumns(resizerColumn, firstColumn, secondColumn)
    	// Called for OnMouseOver event
    	// resizerColumn is the actual object of the column that will be moved so that
    	// firstColumn and secondColumn can be resized.
    	// firstColumn will have its dimensions either grown or shrunk.
    	// secondColumn will have the exact opposite done to it that firstColumn has.
    	// If firstColumn is shrink by 60px, secondColumn is grown by 60px, the opposite also holds true.
    	if (_allowMove == false) {
    		_resizerColumn = resizerColumn;
    		_firstColumn = firstColumn;
    		_secondColumn = secondColumn;
    	window.status = "setResizeColumns() " + + " :: " + + " :: " +;
    	return true;
    function disableMouseMovement(e)
    	// Called for OnMouseUp event
    	window.status = "disableMovement() " + + " :: " + + " :: " +;
    	_allowMove = false;
    	return false;
    function setNewPosition(e)
    	// Called for OnMouseMove event
    	// BEGIN_HACK so that setPosition() can work.
    	if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
    		_systemEvent = e;
    	} else {
    		_systemEvent = event;
    	// END_HACK
    	newPosition = _systemEvent.clientX;
    	if (_allowMove)	{
    		_diffPosition = _startPosition - newPosition;
    		document.testform.test4.value = newPosition;
    		document.testform.test1.value = _diffPosition;
    		document.testform.test2.value =;
    		document.testform.test3.value =;
    //		if (_diffPosition <= 200 && _diffPosition >= -600) {
    // = 200 - _diffPosition + "px";
    //			// = "5px";
    // = 600 + _diffPosition + "px";
    //		} else if (_diffPosition >= 200) {
    // = 200;
    //			// = 5;
    // = 600;
    //		} else if (_diffPosition <= -600) {
    // = 600;
    //			// = 5;
    // = 200;
    //		}
    //		if (( - _diffPosition) < 50) return;
    //		if (( + _diffPosition) > 450) return;
    //		if (( + _diffPosition) > 450) return;
    //		if (( - _diffPosition) < 50) return;
    		var tpos1 = (parseInt(_firstColumnWidth) - parseInt(_diffPosition)) + "px";
    		var tpos2 = (parseInt(_secondColumnWidth) + parseInt(_diffPosition)) + "px"; = tpos1; = tpos2;
    		window.status = " FCW Old: " + _firstColumnWidth
    					  + " FCW New: " +
    					  + " SCW Old: " + _secondColumnWidth
    					  + " SCW New: " +
    					  + " Start P: " + _startPosition
    					  + " SP - DP: " + tpos1
    					  + " SP + DP: " + tpos2;
    	return true;
    function findPosX(obj)
    	var curleft = 0;
    	if (obj.offsetParent)
    		while (obj.offsetParent)
    			curleft += obj.offsetLeft
    			obj = obj.offsetParent;
    	else if (obj.x)
    		curleft += obj.x;
    	return curleft;
    function findPosY(obj)
    	var curtop = 0;
    	if (obj.offsetParent)
    		while (obj.offsetParent)
    			curtop += obj.offsetTop
    			obj = obj.offsetParent;
    	else if (obj.y)
    		curtop += obj.y;
    	return curtop;
    <table id="tblList" style="table-layout: fixed; width: 750px; left: 5; top: 5;">
    <thead id="tblHead">
    <th id="tblSelect"       style="width: 75px;" class="mouseOut" onmouseout="className='mouseOut';" onmouseover="className='mouseOver';">Select <input type="checkbox"></th>
    <th id="tblSelectResize" style="width: 2px; background-color: lightgrey;" onmouseover="style.cursor='e-resize';setResizeColumns(this, document.getElementById('tblSelect'), document.getElementById('tblFrom'));"  onmousedown="setPosition();"></th>
    <th id="tblFrom"         style="width: 200px;"><input name="btnFrom" type="button" value="From" onClick="sortColumns(2);" onMouseOver="className='mouseOver';" onMouseOut="className='mouseOut';" class="mouseOut" style="width: 100%;"></th>
    <th id="tblFromResize"   style="width: 2px; background-color: lightgrey;" onmouseover="style.cursor='e-resize';setResizeColumns(this, document.getElementById('tblFrom'), document.getElementById('tblDate'));"    onmousedown="setPosition();"></th>
    <th id="tblDate"         style="width: 200px;"><input name="btnDate" type="button" value="Date" onClick="sortColumns(3);" onMouseOver="className='mouseOver';" onMouseOut="className='mouseOut';" class="mouseOut" style="width: 100%;"></th>
    <th id="tblDateResize"   style="width: 2px; background-color: lightgrey;" onmouseover="style.cursor='e-resize';setResizeColumns(this, document.getElementById('tblDate'), document.getElementById('tblSubject'));" onmousedown="setPosition();"></th>
    <th id="tblSubject"      style="width: 200px;"><input name="btnSubject" type="button" value="Subject" onClick="sortColumns(4);" onMouseOver="className='mouseOver';" onMouseOut="className='mouseOut';" class="mouseOut" style="width: 100%;"></th>
    <tbody id="tblBody">
    	    <tr class="mouseOut" onmouseout="className='mouseOut';" onmouseover="className='mouseOver';">
    		<td style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox"></td>
    		<td id="tblmiddle1" style="width: 2px; background-color: beige;" rowspan=5></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Pet Supplies &lt;;</div></div></td>
    		<td id="tblmiddle2" style="width: 2px; background-color: beige;" rowspan=5></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Thu, 25 Mar 2004 17:26:09 -0800 (PST)</div></div></td>
    		<td id="tblmiddle3" style="width: 2px; background-color: beige;" rowspan=5></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Coupon for pet needs. Order online.</div></div></td>
    	    <tr class="mouseOut" onmouseout="className='mouseOut';" onmouseover="className='mouseOver';">
    		<td style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox"></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">TGT Survey &lt;;</div></div></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Thu, 25 Mar 2004 20:11:40 EST</div></div></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Win a Dell Computer with a flat panel or $1000.00 Cash</div></div></td>
    	    <tr class="mouseOut" onmouseout="className='mouseOut';" onmouseover="className='mouseOver';">
    		<td style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox"></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">"Avery Colon" &lt;;</div></div></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Fri, 26 Mar 2004 01:50:03 +0300</div></div></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">cc: get rid of all those pimples</div></div></td>
    	    <tr class="mouseOut" onmouseout="className='mouseOut';" onmouseover="className='mouseOver';">
    		<td style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox"></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Johnnie Walker &lt;;</div></div></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Thu, 25 Mar 2004 19:47:04 -0600 (CST)</div></div></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Correction: San Francisco: Johnnie Walker Private Event</div></div></td>
    	    <tr class="mouseOut" onmouseout="className='mouseOut';" onmouseover="className='mouseOver';">
    		<td style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox"></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Success Kit &lt;;</div></div></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Thu, 25 Mar 2004 09:53:40 -0800 (PST)</div></div></td>
    		<td style="overflow: hidden;"><div id="junk" style="overflow: hidden;"><div style="white-space: nowrap;">Dave did it, so can you</div></div></td>
    <form name=testform>
    <input type=text name=test4><br>
    <input type=text name=test1><br>
    <input type=text name=test2><br>
    <input type=text name=test3>
    <input name="btnChange" type="button" value="Coords" onClick="showCoords();">

    // Edit: I don't want to take full responsibility for this code. I found the major portion of the implementation on another site. Functionality has been augmented to allow for more than two columns, though, and a few other tweaks here and there. I don't recall the site off-hand, but if I can find it again I'll post a link here.

    Here's the link: resizing tables
    Here's who is given credit for authoring it: skiboy825
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited March 2004
    Nice code, basicly it defines a three cell wide movable table with events, the SLIDER is a dynamicly positioned cell. The surrounding cells move in relation to the middle, 5 pixel wide, cell's position. NEAT!

    BTW, IE prefers a server gened refeed of this kind of thing, a refresh\reload event followed by new resized table feed. Mozzie can handle the dynamics with Java 2 support very nicely. IE actions are based on J++script, not Javascript of completely Sun kind, and recalcs things too much.

    For reasons of being sued by Sun (and having the embarrassment of Sun winning), Microsoft is having to remove Sun stuff from "J++Script" and the Windows Scripting Host and Windows per se-- they declined to pay Sun for code use on a continuing basis, DID pay damages for refusing to pay those fees earlier. So, they came up with .NET and aspx, which relies on server-side stuff more and more-- like reload events and refeeds instead of dynamic in-window recalcing of position. STATIC Opera will work more like IE than Mozzie, also (Static opera is SANS Java 2-- yes, there are TWO Opera subforks).

    John D.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004
    John: What does it look like in Opera? Can you post a screenshot? I don't have Opera, and unless the layout is horribly mangled I'm not likely to download it to fix it.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited March 2004
    Similar to IE, no resize handle cells show in your post at all in Opera in IE mode(and the Java will be non-functional unless I look at it here locally by grabbing the source). Spacing fixed and calced by text length. Do you have this up on a host so I can get around the forum limits for the dynamics (NO resize handles are showing, I have a 1280x1024 screen and should be able to see them if they are 2 PX wide or wider)??? If so, will test for you, tell you EXACTLY what happens from here, for IE, Opera in all four modes (it has THREE Mozzie submodes, also emulates IE 6.0 SP1 without security packs, though Opera does not use downloaded ActiveX without permission the way I have it set now), and Firefox.

    I suppose I COULD grab the source, stick it in Quanta Gold 3.6+, and view it or take it and save it and view it here, BUT....

    John D.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited March 2004
    Rename this file so that it ends with .html rather than .html.txt and then load it into Opera.
  • edited May 2004
    i tinkered around with this and got the code pretty dern small, only thing is, requires an image or something of the likes to actually click and drag on ... perhaps a div Layer would take care of it, but i'm not that good with this stuff ...
    Unfortunately this forum wont allow the header style sheets, so the divs dont break down inside here like they should, look at the attachment ..
    .0 {cursor:"e-resize";}
    .1 {text-overflow: clip; overflow: hidden;}
    <script language="JavaScript">
    var minwidth = 10;
    function dragResize(dragEvent,pageobj)
      if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){mX = event.clientX;}
      else {mX = e.pageX;}
      newWidth = dragEvent.x;
      CellData = document.getElementsByName(pageobj);
      for(var i = 0; i < CellData.length; i++) {CellData[i].style.width = newWidth;}
    <table border=1>
    		<td><img class="0" height="20" src="1.gif" onDrag="dragResize(event,;" name="A"></td>
    		<td><img class="0" height="20" src="1.gif" onDrag="dragResize(event,;" name="B"></td>
    		<td><img class="0" height="20" src="1.gif" onDrag="dragResize(event,;" name="C"></td>
    		<TD><div class="1" id="A">blah1</div></td>
    		<td><div class="1" id="B">blah2</div></td>
    		<td><div class="1" id="C">blah3</div></td>
    		<TD><div class="1" id="A">blah1</div></td>
    		<td><div class="1" id="B">blah2</div></td>
    		<td><div class="1" id="C">blah3</div></td>
    		<TD><div class="1" id="A">blah1</div></td>
    		<td><div class="1" id="B">blah2</div></td>
    		<td><div class="1" id="C">blah3</div></td>
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited May 2004
    Thanks DreXor.
    I'll take a look and see what all you did.
  • edited May 2004
    GOT IT :) it's small clean and pretty dern simple: 2 CSS classes, 2 functions, 2 images, and a div in a table tree.

    ( sorry i dont know netscape very well, perhaps someone could add browser detection/differences into the code and re-post )

    As mentioned before, the CSS classes wont work in the forum, so the text wont collapse in here as it will in the attachment. -- DreX
    .0 {cursor:"e-resize";}
    .1 {text-overflow: clip; overflow: hidden;}
    // -->
    <script language="JavaScript">
    var minwidth = 10;
    var startX;
    var originalWidth;
    function resizeCol(pageobj)
      newWidth = event.clientX - startX + originalWidth;
      if(newWidth<minwidth) {newWidth=minwidth;}
      CellData = document.getElementsByName(pageobj);
      for(var i = 0; i < CellData.length; i++) {CellData[i].style.width = newWidth;}
    function startpos(pageobj)
      startX = event.clientX;
      originalWidth = document.getElementById(pageobj).width;
    <table border=1>
      <td><img height="20" width="10" src="/images/blank.gif" id="1"><!-- the Image to the right is to drag, the one to the left is to size --><img class="0" src="/images/divider.jpg" ondrag="resizeCol(1);" onmousedown="startpos(1);"></td>
      <td><img height="20" width="10" src="/images/blank.gif" id="2"><img class="0" src="/images/divider.jpg" ondrag="resizeCol(2);" onmousedown="startpos(2);"></td>
      <td><img height="20" width="10" src="/images/blank.gif" id="3"><img class="0" src="/images/divider.jpg" ondrag="resizeCol(3);" onmousedown="startpos(3);"></td>
      <TD><div class="1" id="1">blah1</div></td>
      <td><div class="1" id="2">blah2</div></td>
      <td><div class="1" id="3">blah3</div></td>
      <TD><div class="1" id="1">blah1</div></td>
      <td><div class="1" id="2">blah2</div></td>
      <td><div class="1" id="3">blah3</div></td>
      <TD><div class="1" id="1">blah1</div></td>
      <td><div class="1" id="2">blah2</div></td>
      <td><div class="1" id="3">blah3</div></td>
  • edited May 2004
    just thought of something else that would make what i already had done a little more powerful... add checkboxes to the top cells, since everything important is named, the same cycle used to resize can be copied for a hide/show
  • refreshedmediarefreshedmedia Bournemouth, Dorset, UK
    edited June 2004
    Excellent to see such a helpful and vibrant forum in action - will be participating in this in the future.
  • svmsvm
    edited June 2006
    I am not able to see this work in IE or in Mozilla. You mentioned about CSS. Do i have to download this? Please let me know. - Thanks
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited June 2006
    Support for CSS should be built into your browser. Any modern GUI-based browser should support CSS well enough.

    As far as not being seen in IE or Mozilla. I loaded it into Firefox just now and it works as well as it did two years ago. Unfortunately I had not done a great deal of work on it since then so the most recent version I have isn't much better. I have a few more projects to complete before I can get back to that, and who knows, by the time I get back to it I might find an already working version I can use. Seems like I had seen something in Bindows that worked like I had wanted, but I can't be certain.
  • edited February 2007
    Hi! Does anyone know how to get DreXor's excellent script to work in Firefox? Thank you.
  • nonstop301nonstop301 51° 27' 24.87&quot; N // 0° 11' 38.91&quot; W Member
    edited February 2007
    Hi doomeyes,

    The scripts described on the link below work with both IE and Mozilla/FireFox etc
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