Ethernet port dissapear?
One of my computers wouldnt connect to the internet, so i looked more into it and found that windows had ''lost'' the ethernet lan port ( the one integrated into the nf7-s). And it doesnt detect it anywhere, as if it doesnt even exist, but it can still detect my firewire ports. Any ideas on how to fix this? id prefer not having to reformat the harddrive unless that is the only option.
Disconnect cable to port
Shut down computer with cable out
Restart computer with cable out
Shut down again
Connect cable
Restart computer
When you say that Windows no longer detects your ethernet connection, do mean that under "Network adapters" in Device Manager, nothing is shown?
Look for an updated driver for your board's LAN adapter, and install. DId you do a BIOS update just before this happened, or a driver change, or did it just "vaporize" with no changes to either of those things???
Also, did you put any other hardware IN box, and then this suddenly happened??? If this last happened, possible device resource conflict.
John D.
Do you have XP? Try rolling back a few days?
Is the network adapter listed in the device manager?
Also, I found this (I have not tried it yet - you were warned!). It's meant for tuning things up, but it occured to me that it might also be handy for forcing a refresh of your NIC drivers.
Another option would be to do a Windows XP "Repair" installation. Repair installations have gotten me out of many jams.
Followup: I tried the nifty trick I mentioned earlier. Worked as described until I got to step 4, when it did not see two devices like it was supposed to. Didn't hurt anything, though.