Dual channel???
I have ASUS P4S800 as my motherboard. I have a P4 2.8C processor, and DDR400 - 512 megs on one stick, and a 200 MHz FSB, more if I go back to overclocking. When I was building this system, I wasn't aware of dual channel ram configurations. So, a few questions. What are the benefits of using 2 sticks of ram to make your total instead of just one? (Like 2x256 instead of 1x512) Does the motherboard have anything to do with using dual channel? And if so, does anyone know if my particular mobo is dual channel compatible? Can anyone post some links demonstrating how it all works or maybe just comparisons between single and dual channel systems?
The benefit is twice the bandwidth between the CPU and RUN with 2 sticks of RAM.
Me thinks you may have misunderstood.
Intel "Based", being the keyword. We have an Intel P4 2.8 HT proc running quite nicely on an Asus P4S800 MX, built in : Lan, Sound, Graphics mobo.
2 sticks of ram for Hyperthreading. 1 for each side so to speak.
There are lots of boards from different manufacturers that will Hyperthread with the correct processor. Our other one is a Gigabyte board, no problems.
Both those puters are folding, 1xGui
Once you have the 2 sticks of ram in, i believe from watching Sally, the Handbrake, you set it up in the Bios.:type: All fairly straight forward.
Three 3 clients each per CPU, simultaneously!
The screen shot i did before is from the Asus site and is for the P4S800 mobo.
The only difference I found was when I benchmarked the system, it showed a good memory bandwidth gain, but inmy games and programs, NULL... I just couldn't really tell you.
Does it help? Yes.
Should you cry if you don't have it? No.
Don't upgrade JUST to get Dual Channel... but when you do upgrade, try to get it, but if it ain't supported, if the reviews show the board to be worthy get that.
I have an Athlon64 system, it doesn't have Dual Channel, yet it rocks either way
My mistake. Thought it was the same thing. i'll go back to sleep now.