Mystery Board
The heart of radical Amish country..
Hey guys, my Step father has a matx board of unknown a pic here, see if anyone can identify it. Appreciate it if anyone can help.
Post it here.
Well, what are the numbers on the purple socket stickers??? THAT pair ID's the board for us-- oen is model number, other is probably serial number. I will almost bet it is a Via chipset, pro Savage integrated graphics or Intel integrated graphics board, but have looked at Soyo, MSI, Shuttle, and Gigabyte's sites and nothing exactly like that. Any wild chance it is from an Agilent PC???
or you can use this program (runs in Windows):
second line -038gh2030687y25a
686 AMIBIOS AU94 8568
On the purple serial port (For Ageek) it says EA=00D009E01BE5
Barcode 538UF13205003
I would suggest contacting DFI global support, see if they will acknowledge making that board by the EA= string and the serial number. BTW, TigerDirect sold some MATX DFI boards way back when, any old TigerDriect catalogs around, folks???? Socket 370 board (PROBABLY), Socket 423 maybe also. Anyway you can get the HS off and look at the socket number stamped on the CPU socket, DogSoldier???? While you are at it, look at what CPU exactly is on board under fan, might be wrong gen CPU for board.
But Prof is right, at least partly an SIS chipset if not totally so. POSSIBLY 960 series chipset.
One other thing, Dog Soldier, give the board a new CMOS battery if you have not done so, almost 90% sure the CMOS battery is TOTALLY dead on this board.
John D.
It's a PCCHIPS motherboard
short-media and look forward to getting some valuable information from everyone. Once again thank you very much.
Miigwetch (thank you)
You might try looking at similar boards and see if you can spot yours.
Another thing you might try is looking at all the various chips on the board, which hopefully will help you narrow it down. For most onboard devices you should be able to find a driver specifically for the individual component.
Here's an example: