Need help upgrading my Athlon XP processor
Hi I have an Athlon XP 2700+ processor. I have attached a image of my system info. I am trying to see what is the max speed processor I can upgrade too.
Thanks guys
Thanks guys
Download and run that. Post your BIOS ID string here.
Also, what are you using the system for? An Athlon XP 2700 should be plenty fast...
If it's based off of a VIA KT333 or KT400 chipset you might be limited to an XP3000+ 333fsb model and try overclocking it after adding improved cooling or just try overclocking the 2700+ after putting a better cooler on it (read that as a Thermalright 800-9XX with Thermaltake Smartfan II attached to can find them that clip to the socket or that attach using the screw holes around the socket if you have them, always a better bet if you lan much) and if it's based on an N-Force 2 chipset you'll be limited to a 333fsb proc unless it's the N-Force 2 Ultra 400 chipset which supports the 400fsb chips out now although I still would suggest overclocking it.
How do I overclock?
If so? Can you guys recommend a fast Athlon priocessor and good board?