NF3 250gb + GeForce FX = Enhanced Performance
Philadelphia, Pa
According to The TechReport Nvidia claims to have optimized the NF3 250 chipset to offer greater performance with a GeForce FX Video card. Techreport compares the performance of a GeForce FX 5950 Ultra and a Radeon 9800 XT against each other by running both cards in a K8T800 chipset based motherboard and a NF3-250gb reference motherboard.
Source: TechReport
Their results are definately interesting!WHEN NVIDIA briefed me on the nForce3 250Gb, the company claimed the chipset would perform better with GeForce FX graphics. The insinuation was not that the GeForce FX was necessarily faster than its graphics competition, but that NVIDIA had specifically optimized nForce3 and GeForce FX ForceWare drivers to work better together than apart. NVIDIA was quick to reassure me that they hadn't done anything to make competing graphics cards run slower on nForce3. They'd simply taken advantage of an opportunity to make their graphics cards run faster.
Clearly, NVIDIA isn't worried about these optimizations being labeled cheats, but do they actually work? Let's find out.
Source: TechReport
Yeah yeah, they said they didn't, but still.
But that's just me... I'd be much more impressed if it gave the GFFX a slight boost and better quality.