9800 pro mix up
ok, i order my 9800 pro from here (terrible place, never do it, horrible service and slow as hell) http://www.buyxtremegear.com/r9800pro128.html now, it doesn't explicitly say it's built or powered by ati, but for more info it DOES point to ati.com . now i got it and assumed it was built by ati, but turns out it isn't, i CAN'T even find out who DID build it! the driver cd says powered by ati, but NO name brand, and nothing on the cd to point out who it might be. i'm seriously thinking of rma'ing this card ... i'm not sure it's up to par anyhow. 3dmark03 gave me 5700 and 5800 points, which is below what most get from what i'm hearing. i'm incredibly frustrated with buyxg right now
If it was build by ati you would have the ati Sticker like this one
Its not a power color
lol and yes i know my carpet is hideous
WARNING! the pictures are very big (1000xsome odd pixels) so if you have dialup anyone, let me know and i can reduce them. i just figured the bigger they are the easier to see details
**edit** how does Windows identify it?
I dont think you can get "branded" drivers for your card, no matter what the make. As for device manager, thats normal.
Latest drivers are Catalyst 4.4. If you go to ATI's own site or to Guru3D you can download them. ATI's drivers consist of the driver set and a control panel. If you download from Guru3D, they have an integrated file containing both drivers and control panel.
The fact that your setup won't install and run 3DMark2001 hints at other possible problems.
A GPU is a GPU. The person who slaps the bits together is mostly irrellevant for the average Joe FPS.
Your 3DMark03 scores are fine, just fine, your card looks like a 9800 Pro, it is detected like a 9800 Pro, and it performs like a 9800 Pro. My advice, stop worrying, start gaming.
If the card starts to show signs of morphing into a Geforce 2 MX, then let us know ASAP, but if not, enjoy your card.
p.s (And we really need to have a talk about image compression)
I really haven't had a good look around yet.
Just trying to be helpful.
I'll get me's edumacated on site contents and point the right way in future
Correct, and AFAIK the drivers are likely to be tuned for DirectX 9.0 and the 3DMark2001 is doing the "say WHAT" thing to DirectX 9.0's 3dDraw module-- I strongly doubt it understands DirectX 9.0. With this particular set of softwqare and hardware things, likeliihood is that a 3DMark2001 RETIREMENT is best thing for your box. Benchmark older than drivers and\or DirectX version, probably both.
John D.
But yeah, have a look around.
(spinner: doing stupid and ineffective things with pictues is a common sign of Photoshopia n00bophobage )
//EDIT: nvm, it appears as though i'm an idiot once again and didn't look for a second page and didn't look at the post times after i DID look at the second page