Newegg's refurb section got me. Again.
Besides the refurbished 2.8GHz P4-E that'll be here today, I just ordered a refurbished ASUS PC-DL Deluxe Dual P4 Xeon motherboard.
Besides the refurbished 2.8GHz P4-E that'll be here today, I just ordered a refurbished ASUS PC-DL Deluxe Dual P4 Xeon motherboard.
TheBaron: How can I fold on it when I don't have any CPUs for it? I'll buy a 1.7GHz Xeon ($68) when I have the money, so I can test it. Then it's going in my parts drawer until I can afford a couple of hyperthreaded xeons. This system is going to be set up the same way my dual PIII system was- over a period of a number of months to a year, because I don't have the funds to set it all up at once.
I think you need to just let me have it
That being said, the 2.8E still hits about 3.6GHz on water, and I'm hoping to hit at least 3.5 on air. It was also the cheapest hyperthreaded CPU Newegg's refurb had at the time, I was sick of having the IC7 sitting around, and I will not pay $250 for a CPU, especially a used one, which is how much the northwood P4-C was going for.
Besides, I like a challenge. And cooling the Prescott will certainly not be easy.
Rather than selling the IC7 to make some money, you spent more on a product you didn't like?
.. Jesus dude.
P4's are doing allright for us oldies that don't know too much about puters.
Jonshandbrake is only using P4's. :type:
6 puters doing 10 WU's.
Pentium 4 =
One thing, if the thing is HYPER hot for you, be aware that it runs at 1.32 volts just fine. Stated limit in voltage, upper, is 1.4 Vcc. If you are running it at voltages as great as hammers, you are overvoltaging it.
Second thing, ignore the hype that LL RAM does not work with it if you are going to OC. Not only does it work, but real fast LL will let it OC BETTER. Corsair has some C2PT Dual Channel out that Prescott will run fine with.
John-- who is also running a 2.8EE on air and with Corsair XMS C2PT RAM (platinum HS variety on the PRescott) also. Have not tried OCing it yet, much. Give me three weeks will tell mroe when have DONE more. Board I am using is an IC7-Max3, for those who do not know that. northwood can also do this, slightly higher Vcc.
Sleep with one eye open Thrax.
We never get mad.
We get even, hehehe.
BAck on TOPIC. Sounds like a good purchase Geeky1. I for one would be interested to see how she O/C's when it is completed, as o/c'ing will be our next adventure.
I could be wrong though, check forums they have a lot of Xeon dudes and dudets there. I know that at one time there was a few people changing out the clock generator on the 800 FSB RDRAM to the 1066 FSB RDRAM on the Tyan boards but since the 533's and DDR was implemented I kinda lost touch.
I know that my Xeons won't budge one tiny bit... and I can not change the multi higher than the CPUs are rated for and no way to change the FSB multi, I am locked in at 2.2 @ 400 FSB or lower...
Still, I do like my system... Gets me by...
It's possible to jack the FSB up to 200 MHz (800 QDR) or higher with a few mods to the board (VDIMM mod & Socket Wire mod) and flashing to BIOS 1004.
Just like P4's, the current 533 Xeon's can be overclocked VIA FSB, but the multi's can't be changed (unless you get real lucky and manage to find a pair of Engineering Sample Xeon's).