TechTV Lays Off San Francisco Staff
TechTV told 285 San Francisco employees on Thursday that their jobs are being eliminated, a move that was widely feared by workers after Comcast announced in March that it would acquire the technology cable channel.
Source: CNetComcast will merge TechTV, owned by Paul Allen's Vulcan Ventures, with its own G4 video game network when the buyout is finalized next week. David Shone, a spokesman for G4 TV, said the company plans to hire 80 people from the San Francisco office to work at the game channel's Los Angeles headquarters. Employees were given two months notice and various severance packages, he said.
/me runs off unhappily...
FYI, TSS should be safe since they hired leo back, it shows good hopes about the show.
*RADA stumbles around all woozy-like.
Sara has to be one of the most beautiful woman-tech-geeks I have ever seen.
*RADA quicky posts this entry before his wife see the last comment!!!
I liked G4's show better. Ummm.... what was it called again? Electric Playground i think... Something else before that. Dammit I wish we still had comcast! (From all those damn commercials I think I'm the only person who liked digital cable better than satellite!)