Phantom Console Live Video @ E3

Well a REAL working Phantom Console is on display at E3! Despite the doubters, it would appear infinium DO have a working sample to show off after all...
Does it put off the "vaporware" rumours??
Our buds over at HardwareHell have a live video to download and see it in action!
Source: Hardware Hell
Does it put off the "vaporware" rumours??
Our buds over at HardwareHell have a live video to download and see it in action!
Source: Hardware Hell
I will charge $1 admission to anyone that wants to witness this event. If enough people show up and pay admission, we might be able to pay the medical bills when he needs intestinal surgery for hat removal...
Yeah, I imagine that he's sweating big bullets right now, but he did bring up some important facts with his article. And his article was written 3/4ths of a year ago too. Who knows what might have happened if he hadn't written the article too?
I actually agreed with everything Kyle B pointed out but if you read his article carefully, Mr B was denouncing the existence of any work being done by infinium. Right now, Infinium can say "we have one out live, showing the world we aren't just squandering investor money".
It is a scam, see above comment by qparadox... it's a glorified shuttle.
Since its an AMD proc i'm betting they got it wrong and its a 2500+ with 256 MB of ram. Most games will *barely* run in 256 MB yet BBC claims this is "high spec" pfft. So the advantage here is
1) Hardware is cheaper and looks pretty (but not general purpose)
2) You get to wait 2 days for 1 GB games (that's what UT2004 is) to download
3) You get to pay $30 / month to rent games rather than paying $40 to buy the actual version.
4) It has a somewhat interesting mixed keyboard / mouse design that looks like it'll be carpal tunnel time.
It'll have a niche audience but the problem is people aren't going to like having to wait days for a new game to download, may revolt against paying for games with no ability to play after they stop paying. The graphics are likely to be lesser than acheivable on similar specc'd hardware on a console due to the general purpose nature of this.
I do see gaming heading this way in the future, but a device that is already well behind the times in graphics hardware and architecture is not going to hit up at the target audience (seems to be online fps'ers) who know that a slight performance boost will mean the difference between winning and losing. Hopefully these litigous SOB's will go out of business and a real company will deliver a better product in a similar segment.
LOL can we say gonna bomb...
...Other than that, it sucks.
Working? An [H]'er came across this little bad boy @ E3. So much for the working software package.