Geeky1University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
edited May 2004
Voodoo... there are some others that I can't think of off the top of my head, and there's always emachines, but the emachines one isn't as fast as the voodoo one. Also check out the PowerPro m5-6 which is, IMO, probably better than an A64 notebook because the Banias gives you better battery life, and between it and the 9700m, it should be on par with an A64 system in terms of performance.
Centrino is the CPU Intel designed from the ground up for the Notebook. Not like the P4-M which is just a P4 put into a Laptop. The Dothan is the latest version of Centrino CPUs for LapTops.
I just bought myself an eMachines M6809 yesterday (I wanted the M6805, but the M6809 has two rebates right now, making it the same after-rebate price). So far I love it. I've gotten a little bit of lag both loading and playing UT2K4 @ 1280x800 resolution with medium settings on all the other graphics options. I think the load lag comes from the fact that it uses a 4200 RPM hard drive... but the graphics card isn't truly up to the task of cutting-edge graphics. I'll have to be satisfied with medium settings on everything. Halo ran just fine at 1024x768 (though a bit squished because of the widescreen) and I ran AoM:Titans at 1024x768 with no problems as well (I think I can raise that one).
Overall, I'm very impressed with what you get out of such a notebook. Possible future upgrades for me are a bit more RAM, and a faster hard drive.
My most advanced PC is now my notebook; No desktop PC I've ever built has had a 64-bit processor. None of my desktop PCs have DVD-burners either...
I'm taking the notebook to LANWAR this weekend to be my primary gaming machine. I'll post back with my review of it after the weekend.
/me faints!
I know sagers are good, but are EMachines actually decent laptops, my past expeireinces with their desktops are less than desirable.
Centrino is the CPU Intel designed from the ground up for the Notebook. Not like the P4-M which is just a P4 put into a Laptop. The Dothan is the latest version of Centrino CPUs for LapTops.
hows this puppy? Yeah it's emachines, but I can tweak it myself
Mmmm, 2MB cache.
Those look like some nice machines for the price, RWB.
Overall, I'm very impressed with what you get out of such a notebook. Possible future upgrades for me are a bit more RAM, and a faster hard drive.
My most advanced PC is now my notebook; No desktop PC I've ever built has had a 64-bit processor. None of my desktop PCs have DVD-burners either...
I'm taking the notebook to LANWAR this weekend to be my primary gaming machine. I'll post back with my review of it after the weekend.