Paint job done..PICS
I started with an old gateway I got from work. I got some materials and started about a week ago getting it ready for paint. I still got some more paint to lay down because I messed up a little. Nothing a little wet sanding can't fix.
Here is a before pic if you forgot what it looked like, next I will post the after.
Here is a before pic if you forgot what it looked like, next I will post the after.
I went with Bright Red Dupli-Color automotive paint.
Here are two after pics. Not the best job, but I got some more paint and polishing to do for the after.
So what do you think of it so far?
If you really want to sand down to primer, use a base of rusty metal primer on your light primer given you want red tone, then it will be easier to hide slight unevenness... But with 1000-1500 grit wet\dry sanded WET (WATER, I am hoping this case is down to nothing but metal and plastic, NO electronic or electrical innards right now at all) on thickest parts, you should be able to even out the coat by sanding more on thicker parts and not have to sand it all off. WET 600 on real thick parts would be faster but harder to control evenness of layer-- would take too much off too fast.