Random lockup problems

Been having some problems lately with random lockups and big slowdowns in opening programs if they open at all. They would happen sometimes with nothing done by me or when I click my mouse, hit a button, etc.
I backed the memory timings down to stock and still no difference. Ran memtest and it always stuck on test 5 with both sticks of RAM in or either one by itself. Then I read that Athlon systems will hang on test 5 & 8 with some systems. So I tried test 8 and it hung there too but not on any other test. Tried some brand new PC3500 RAM just to make sure it wasn't the RAM and it still stops on test 5 & 8. :banghead:
After all that I noticed my NB fan wasn't running
Got it running again just now and will see if it makes any difference with the lockups because programs still load slow.
I have defragged, cleaned spyware, ran virus scan, cleared temp files, etc. just in case but that didn't help. Guess I'm just looking to see if you have any more suggestions on where to look next.
Athlon 1700+
Abit KG7-Raid
Crucial PC2100 2x256MB
I backed the memory timings down to stock and still no difference. Ran memtest and it always stuck on test 5 with both sticks of RAM in or either one by itself. Then I read that Athlon systems will hang on test 5 & 8 with some systems. So I tried test 8 and it hung there too but not on any other test. Tried some brand new PC3500 RAM just to make sure it wasn't the RAM and it still stops on test 5 & 8. :banghead:
After all that I noticed my NB fan wasn't running

I have defragged, cleaned spyware, ran virus scan, cleared temp files, etc. just in case but that didn't help. Guess I'm just looking to see if you have any more suggestions on where to look next.
Athlon 1700+
Abit KG7-Raid
Crucial PC2100 2x256MB
-RAM (bad)
-Cooling (too little)
-Power supply (too small/not a good brand/on its way to the big computer in the sky)
-Windows (see my sig)