p3 suspension problemo...

WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
edited July 2003 in Hardware
WHAT THE HECK!! man i always get fuxored when it comes down to it...anyways...i dont have suspension bridges for my dual p3's..does anyone know where i can buy some...or perhaps willing to send me their old ones


  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited July 2003
    Suspension problems eh? Well, you may as well just start replacing then...

    new (preferably Polyurethane) bushings
    new shocks
    new wheel bearings
    new control arms


    seriously though, what the hell are you talking about? Suspension bridges? I had a dual P3 slot 1 system, and I have no idea wtf you're talking about. Wanna post some pix of a system with them or a description or something?
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    well suspension bridges... they go where i have it outlined in orange...they essentially keep the p3 chip on the mobo with screws
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    I used zip ties.. It worked for me. I have the same board and procs.
  • edited July 2003
    I found this company had them on pricewatch. I looked up their ratings at resellerratings.com and they don't look too bad. They show over 200 in stock, so I would imagine that they should still have a few hanging around.;D
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    zipties....primesuspect...u have the intellectual equilivant of god....thank u very much
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited July 2003
    zipties would work. You could try ebay; if nothing else, buy a couple dead slot1 boards and they should have secc2 retaining clips on them
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    the weird part of the chip and the mobo is that i couldnt use the pentium 2 retention thingied, there was nothing to hold it from the top. I mean it went around the CPU, but there was nothing to "click" onto like the ones on the p2s...like, its almost use and pointless to use my p2 retention thingies...
    look at how the p2 looks
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    this is the p2..as u can see, there is sumthing on the top of it that clicks itself to the retnetion bracket
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    and over here...the p3 can move up and down as it pleases
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    Yeah, P2s used SECC1 and P3s use SECC2 (Single Edge Cartridge Contact) - the 1's had the retaining clip on the sides whereas the 2's used a different clip mechanism. It's a huge pain to find stuff for SECCs anymore..

  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited July 2003
    as prime said; it's secc1 vs. secc2; duct tape it! :D
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