Gotta love the summer...

MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
edited May 2004 in Hardware
Especially in Florida! :cool:

Look at this crap... My heatsink can't come soon enough.


  • shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    actually...looks fine to me :-P

    Those idle or folding?
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited May 2004
    56*C, that's it? Can't you do better than that? Didn't you see that thread where I had a 1700+ up to >90*C? ;D
  • MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
    edited May 2004
    Yeah, but there are a few differences. 56C is with my CPU at stock speeds, and it actually has a heatsink attached. ;D
  • entropyentropy Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
    edited May 2004
    dual folding i'm at 41*C lol. and i even have the heat on in my room :p bloody spring....
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited May 2004
    The 1700 was at stock speeds and voltages... and it had a heatsink. It just didn't have a fan. :D
  • MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
    edited May 2004
    ;D You're crazy, man! Athlons don't have thermal protection do they? Can they melt themselves, or will they shut down?
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited May 2004
    The A64/FX/Opteron does. The Athlon does not have integrated thermal protection, no. The board takes care of it. I disabled it for that test.

    Besides, it's a Palomino 1700. It overclocks like crap (<2GHz tops), and it's of no interest to me what-so-ever at anything less than 2GHz. So, I wouldn't have been terribly distraught if it had died.
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