AMD XP..Which one.....Which Ram?..Need help.
We are going to follow in Thrax's footsteps for something different.
Sally and I have been talking about trying an AMD Athlon XP of sorts.
Got some info from Dancer and checking forums. Need more input.
As it will be for folding only, not for gaming, i won't need a top of the range graphics card.
Is this any good, or is it over the top?
Abit NF7-S Ver 2.0 Mobo
Athlon Xp3200+ Proc
2x256 ddr cas2 ram....not sure which speed.
If this can be overclocked, we'll ultimately have a go at that too.
Any suggestion welcomed.
Sally and I have been talking about trying an AMD Athlon XP of sorts.
Got some info from Dancer and checking forums. Need more input.
As it will be for folding only, not for gaming, i won't need a top of the range graphics card.
Is this any good, or is it over the top?
Abit NF7-S Ver 2.0 Mobo
Athlon Xp3200+ Proc
2x256 ddr cas2 ram....not sure which speed.
If this can be overclocked, we'll ultimately have a go at that too.
Any suggestion welcomed.
If you can get decent 3700 memory without spending a lot do it.
You will want to be running at least 200FSB, 220 is more likely.
Find a cheap ATI video card, an old 8500 or a 9200 should fill the bill. Then if you have to use it for something else the video won't be too bad.
Looks like i'll stick with the Xp2500+.
Any advantage running 2x512 sticks of corsair ram or will 1 suffice?
Cost difference from 256 ($118AUD) to 512 ($156AUD) is minimal for a change.
You should be just fine with a 3200+, you should be able to get 200 or 300MHz out of it for the 2.4/2.5GHz range which isn't a bad overclock at all for an Athlon these days.
You thought good and right to pick Corsair memory; since it'll only be folding, memory capacity isn't a big deal, just go with one stick of Corsair XMS3200C2. Avoid anything faster than PC3500, because you begin to run into memory timing issues stopping you from running 2/2/2 at 200MHz.
For memory, make sure that you can run 2,2,2 settings. I like the head room on 3500, but XMS3200 is hard to go wrong with.
The temperatures at the close clockspeeds will be easily manageable with one of those combinations.
Go with just 1 stick of ram, dual channel doesn't make a whole lot of difference for folding speed on a folding-only boxand you can save a little money that way.
It shouldn't cost a lot for one of us to ship you a XP Mobile CPU (OZ= AU right?). If you have Paypal PM me and we'll work something out. My XP-M 2400+ does (FSB210 x11) 2.31ghz @ v1.65 on air and it was only $75 US (@ the time - $77 now) (a 2.2ghz 3200+ is $187 here)
Omega65, thank you for that offer.
Also thank you to all the good advise. At this time we will stick with the XP2500+ and see how things progress.
If we go too fast, Dexter will have too much of a hard time keeping up, lol.
Thanks again
Jon A.
To be truthful ...if I had it all to do again I would get a mobile 2500+ rather than the 3000+/400 I have. It does the same exact thing at half of the cost (even more than half at the time I bought it). The best part is that it doesn't require as much voltage.
At the time that I bought this processor we were only beginning to discuss using mobile procs for folding rigs ...then mudd got one and ...well you know how the rest of the story goes.
It's your call ...just my $.02
Still notice that I said on the market. I don't see it on newegg so I'm assuming that it's not readily available in retail Australian shops. So I see no reason to "heartily disagree" with my statement
It's on the market. Very few things are "Readily available" anywhere beyond the U.S. and Taiwan.
PS your live tech support links in your sig link to some thread Dan_G created about his a64. Might want to fix em.