Revenue tumbles for Linux foe SCO!
update The SCO Group reported lackluster second-quarter results Thursday, with revenue falling across its three divisions, its loss from operations widening and almost no success convincing companies to license its intellectual property.
Hehehe, those lawsuit-happy bastards deserve what's happening to them and I don't even use Linux.

They made $11,000 in licensing fees on SCO ip licenses and spent $4.4 million on Sco source and the lawsuits.

The source!
Ok, you want to hear scary for SCO and something interesting about Solaris??? SUN will definitely be Open-Sourcing Solaris-- since they want to integrate the SUN Java Desktop compatibility functionality heavily into server functions, they need parts of Linux and Java in Solaris to get real heavy compatibility.
I have this from several sources, including SUN, no solid time-frame yet-- experienced guess, within two years max, possibly within calendar year 2005. However, the word on the street is that it will happen sooner rather than later and that things are moving faster inside SUN than the public knows, to do just this.
As far as SCO, the net bottom line for 2nd quarter alone was a deficit of 7.9+ Million after legal expenses owed were factored in. Their warchest is vanishing big-time and fast, with no good solid results for owners or investors in SCO. IBM, Novell, RedHat, SuSE (with Novell's active backing) and SUN together have much bigger warchests, as does Intel (and the next-gen BIOS code from Intel will be Open-Sourced also, so you can bet they will be backing Open-Source). Problem with SCO is that they are trying to take on everyone-- odd-man-out or one-against-the-world never wins in long run and that is what corner they painted themselves into and are now in, and they have a dang tiny unpainted space left to balance themself corporately in.