I have to agree with the nay-sayers here......I mean sure the guy put tons of effort and money and time into his project, but the final design just plain looks ugly. His craftmanship and ingeniuty can be praised, but the final product leaves something to be desired........like a case w/o windows! This is why we have engineers and designers. It really is an eye-sore, IMO.
My initial reaction was that of confusion. What does he have in there that could possibly need all that hose, wiring, tubing etc. A little too much of a good thing maybe. After seeing some of his ideas you gotta give him a 10 for original thinking. Shower hose? Can't say I ever thought of that. The wiring concept again is impressive, but too much random chaos for my own liking. The thing I appreciate most is his attention to detail, chrome dipping everything etc. While the overall presentation doesn't really do anything for me, certain things make me look at my case and say "Gee, I kinda wussed out there".
Gets the wheels turnin again though.