What is the world coming to?
*Sigh* I thought those Speeze/Spire USB powered personal fans and Antec USB lights were rediculous. Now this.
Rightmost column on the right page (page 143)
Also, see http://cyberguys.com/pdfs/PDFs/CG0603P112-113.pdf
I mean lighted USB cables!?!? Is it just me, or is this getting a bit absurd?
Rightmost column on the right page (page 143)
Also, see http://cyberguys.com/pdfs/PDFs/CG0603P112-113.pdf
I mean lighted USB cables!?!? Is it just me, or is this getting a bit absurd?
Y0 d00d,
Itz @11 ab0u7 t3h BL!NG BL!NG
Using the words "massage" and "ball" in the same sentence, next to each other even. Wow.
/immature mode OFF